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• "Execution of the legal system..."

• "Execution in the form of electrocution, gassing and lethal injection of juveniles in the U.S. has doubled in the last decade. The U.S. Supreme court deems this is not 'cruel and unusual' punishment...."

• "The purpose of 911-justice is to inform, educate, and enlighten the general public concerning the issues of capital punishment, in America, and the world. It is also the purpose of this writer, and those who appear on 911-justice to influence and educate public opinion regarding capital punishment issues, politics..."

• "Смертную казнь в России можно отменить уже сейчас. 'ля этого достаточно внести в Конституционный Суд жалобу на несоответствие статьи Уголовного кодекса о смертной казни статье Конституции о равноправии полов...."

• "The history of the death penalty in Ohio reaches back to the earliest days of statehood. Indeed, the first executions in Ohio, those executed from 1803 until 1885, were carried out by public hanging in the county where the crimes were committed."

• "Examines the death penalty in Ohio through facts, congressional quotes, and case studies...."

• "Injustice has been at the forefront of American lives, particularly since 1996. The following web page gives you the opportunity to do more than just read about injustice. You can make a difference by supporting Denise and Howard's application for clemency. Help Denise Monk and Howard Fuson, click on NEXT and send a letter of support...."

• "At the age of seventeen, when he was a very angry young man, he was released from the California Youth Authority and went on a crime spree, holding up stores and restaurants until he was captured and sent to San Quentin. He never shot anyone, but he did threaten his victims with a gun. He has been in San Quentin since the age of nineteen...."

• "Gabriel Gonzalez is an innocent man on Texas death row! After 15 years, Gabriel has been granted a re-sentencing hearing. What we want and he deserves is a FULL NEW TRIAL!"

• "We thank everyone who has continued to support our efforts in freeing Bob and Randy. Keep checking back and we will keep you updated about any news relating to Bob and Randy...."

• "The death penalty is one of the great moral issues facing our country, yet most people rarely think about it and very few of us take the time to delve deeply enough into this issue to be able to make an informed decision about it."

• "At the beginning there wasn't an unemotional and matter-of-fact exposition with the Death Penalty, but my own personal experiences. Therefore the main point of this homepage are not lifeless numbers and statistics, but the personal fate of human beings, especially of Clifford Boggess...."

• "Be it resolved that because social science research has demonstrated the death penalty to be racist in application and social science research has found no consistent evidence of crime deterrence through execution, the ASC publicly condemns this form of punishment..."

• "Here, you will find information about CAADP, including our mission, composition, activities, upcoming events, and how to join us. This site also has links to other Web pages with information about the death penalty...."

• "These pages are dedicated to the many people that were killed by the state since the reinstatement of the Death Penalty in 1976. These pages are updated with each execution and each new date that is set for a prisoner on death row...."

• "...the only evidence against you is the way you dress, the music you listen to, and the beliefs you hold. it can happen to you."

• " cannot be denied that Bush has steadfastly opposed changing the clemency procedures in the face of stinging criticism by the courts."

• " shed light on the truth about the terrible conditions of our justice system..."

• "In order to keep everyone better informed and up to date on our activities, we've created an ND ASK blog...."

• "During the 2003 legislative session a death penalty bill was introduced. The matter will be taken up during the 2004 session. We are opposed to this and any similar legislation that would bring the death penalty to our state. Our work includes raising public awareness and mobilizing support in our communities...."

• "...we are deeply concerned by the steady drift of our nation and states toward approval and use of the death penalty as one of the solutions to the problem."

• "...people are opposing the referendum for many reasons, including religious and moral objections, and a flawed, unfair criminal justice system that disproportionately and negatively affects minorities. The story also reports that no committee had filed in support of the referendum."

• "Over the past two decades, a number of studies have indicated that Indiana's death penalty system discriminates unfairly, costs more than life imprisonment and does not adequately protect the innocent. These findings have given Hoosiers great pause, causing a majority of them to support a moratorium..."

• "Our web-site consist of information on our lawsuit against the P.L.O. at San Quentin State Prison. We are engaged in a class action suit for Death Row inmates Civil rights...."

• "...a coalition of chapters and individuals working to reform Missouri's criminal justice system by..."

• " for restorative justice in the form of effective alternatives to the death penalty. It does so by supporting and coordinating the work of organizations and individuals, educating and energizing the general public, and supporting the many persons affected by capital crime and punishment."

• "In 1981, at the age of eighteen, Kenny Richey left his home in Scotland to live with his American Father in Ohio State. In June 1986, one week before his return to the United Kingdom, Kenny was arrested for a crime the evidence shows was not a crime at all...."

• " increase public opposition to death penalty in the Brazos Valley."

• "This page is maintained by Randy Oftedahl, Smithfield Friends Meeting, Rhode Island..."

• "...a statewide coalition of both secular and religious organizations and concerned individuals..."

• "...serves the media and the public with analysis and information on issues concerning capital punishment in Oklahoma."

• "General discussions about the death penalty...."

• "...a two-week public education tour where members of Murder Victims' Families For Reconciliation (MVFR) and activists speak out against the death penalty."

• "...exists to educate the citizens of Indiana about the death penalty and increase awareness of alternatives to capital punishment."

• "...a nonprofit alliance of organizations and individuals committed to complete repeal of the death penalty. We provide accurate information, advocate meaningful public policy and mobilize others who share our goals."

• "I have known many Presidents, Governors, Judges, Legislators, and policy makers including myself and have never known a person wise enough to decide who should live and who should die...."

• " interfaith group dedicated to the abolition of the death penalty through the mobilization and education of the religious community of North Carolina."

• "I bought my very first pair of 99% recycled shoes last week. They are Worn Again trainers, made of prison blankets, ex-military parachutes, car seat scrap leather, ex-military long johns, ex-military towels and recycled rubber. Very comfortable, for me and the environment."

• "Les écoguerriers se sont constitués en société fermée, et ne délivreront plus aucune information sur le web, ce média est devenu trop surveillé. La cryptologie rend les armes. Aujourd'hui tous les fabricants seront obligés de fournir une clé de décryptage. Plus que jamais nous vous conseillons de travailler seul..."

• "Environmentalist and political prisoner, Tre Arrow has been incarcerated in Canada and the US since March 13th 2004. Like the 125,000 American draft dodgers who came to Canada between 1964 and 1977, Tre went to Canada hoping to escape persecution in the United States..."

• "Thanks for dropping by Northern Rockies Earth First!! Take a look..."

• "News, Resources, and Commentary on the International Eco-Defense Movement..."

• "...sustainability at my heart."

• "What is Climate Justice? This is a question that is just beginning to be hashed out and fought over by 'radicals' and 'moderates.'..."

• "But, as the story goes with all of those who have been persecuted during the green scare, Rod has not been given a date for release, and has been told that he is 'a special case.' Special as in he is deserving of extra attention because he gave a speech?"

• "...the final irony of our country's production of weapons of mass destruction: the most contaminated site in the Western Hemisphere."

• "New tools and strategies for engaging people in protecting the environment..."

• "...the Ohio State Legal Services Association's web site on domestic violence resources. This site provides information on domestic violence and stalking, including information on the law and community resources..."

• " eliminate domestic violence and all forms of violence against women and their children and girls by promoting social change through leadership and advocacy in partnership with their communities."

• "[Unavailable]"

• "Domestic violence is a sometimes fatal~always frightening criminal act. One which we've become all too familiar with, yet one which our society wishes would go away...."

• "Domestic abuse shelter, news & press releases, darcc computer tips..."

• " all inclusive organization whose mission is to secure the right of all LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender, Queer) couples to enter into legally recognized Civil Marriage with all the benefits and responsibilities that entails through education and promotion of awareness."

• "...a membership based organisation, bringing together likeminded individuals from around the world."

• "LLEGÓ, the National Latina/o Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Organization, is the only national nonprofit organization devoted to representing Latina/o lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) communities and addressing their growing needs..."

• "...a national organization of Gay and Lesbian pilots and other aviation enthusiasts from across the country. Through education, outreach programs, and social events, we promote our primary organizational goals..."

• "We work with anyone who believes in and works towards full equality for the LGBT community..."

• "...celebrates and promotes the history, diversity and future prosperity of the metropolitan Phoenix LGBTQ community."

• "We seek to improve the lives of all people in the greater community so that each, with no discrimination, may live in an environment that is welcoming, healthy, safe, and respectful of the differences that are present in a diverse society...."

• "...a student organization formed to provide safe and supportive meetings for gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender (GLBT) students and other people who want to learn about and support GLBT issues."

• "We are an organization of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Questioning, Intersex and Allied students based at Touro University in Vallejo, CA, who believe in the promotion of equitable health care delivery through awareness and education...."

• "...founded in Fall of 2000 to involve both gay and non-gay University of Florida students in its mission to end homophobia. More specifically, the Alliance seeks to make sexual orientation as unimportant a consideration in people's minds as hair or eye color."

• "...intended as a resource for the; gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community of the western slope region of Colorado with emphasis in and around the metro Grand Junction area."

• " annual fundraising event benefiting the Indiana Youth Group (IYG), a non-profit organization founded in 1987 to serve the needs of Indiana LGBT teens."

• "Through events, fundraisers, social activities and other forms of community activism, the MGSA works tirelessly to create a safe and supportive environment in the city of Melrose for all gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, queer and questioning residents and visitors...."

• "We help you: Come out of the closet; Fight for your rights; Find your sexuality; End homophobia!"

• "...a youth-led organization that connects school-based Gay Straight Alliances (GSAs) to each other and community resources. Through peer support, leadership development, and training..."

• "We believe that such relationships between two adults, whether of the same or different genders, are sacred relationships, and should be recognized in law and respected by all...."

• "A safe place where Van Tech youth, families and the community can network and get information...."

• "[Unavailable]"

• "Establish a Gay/Straight Alliance the same way you would establish any other group or club at your school. In your Student Handbook, there should be a section detailing the procedure for forming a club or group. Follow those guidelines...."

• "We are a nonprofit organization educating the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered community and the general public on how to advance the civil right of same-sex couples to legal marriage. We serve as a clearinghouse for same-sex marriage information in Washington State..."

• " interfaith association of lay persons and clergy committed to this twofold purpose: to educate Washington State citizens about and to advocate for marriage equality for all couples and the civil rights of all."

• "...interviewing, educating, and rating candidates on issues of importance to the LGBT community since 1977..."

• " provide opportunities and tools for LGBT individuals, organizations and communities that ensure their voices can be heard, included and affirmed; to be a place to engage, organize and effect change."

• "...the home for mainstream gays and lesbians who want to make a difference in their state and country."

• "We are an educational and advocacy outreach organization reaching out to gay youth and all youth in our effort to get the BSA of American to rescind its exclusionary policy...."

• "We are the first and only national organisation run by and for LGBT Youth..."

• "[Unavailable]"

• "Most abused women will tell you that there were warning signs associated with the domestic abuse that they encountered...."

• "What is Domestic Violence? A power and control issue. It is physically or emotionally controlling behavior that restricts the activity and independence of another individual...."

• "MADV offers information and resources, but not clinical advice...."

• "Is it just me, or are Bush's ads looking more and more like ads for a city council race?"

• "Developing a grassroots democratic socialist platform for Ontario...."

• "This is a Critical Marxist Blog. News and comments from a Militant Secularist Ipswich Allotment Holder. Activism, theory, and the left, with a particular focus on French politics and European culture...."

• "Subscribe to The Socialist..."

• "Famous Socialists, Why England is not Britain, Definitions of Socialism, Should Brits get out of Ireland?, Distinguishing Features of Socialism, Against the Death Penalty, Introduction to Socialism..."

• "...providing information about the democratic socialist movement..."

• "My main research interests are the Far Left, the Far Right and the Secret State in twentieth-century British history (with particular reference to Kent)...."

• "These articles and essays are offered as they were written, flaws and all, in the hope that they will be of interest to others trying to understand the development of capitalism in Australia. This website is incomplete..."

• "A Ezine For Poor And Working Class People. We Have Nothing To Lose But Our Chains. It Is Time That The Poor And Working Class People Have A Voice On The Internet...."

• "[Unavailable]"

• "...a peer-reviewed online journal that seeks to promote and freely distribute interdisciplinary critical inquiries into the language and meaning of contemporary capitalism and the links between economic, social and linguistic change in the world around us."

• "The subject of this essay will probably seem strange, from one point of view or another, to most readers. For start, it advocates a kind of socialist economic organization that is anti-government...."

• "In short 'council communism' was/is the critical and theoretical reflection of the revolutionary mass struggles of the working class in western Europe - especially those in Germany - following the I. World War...."

• "... a group of activists committed to organizing forums and educational discussions on topics that impact the lives of working and oppressed people."

• "Whether you are an Anarchist, Socialist, Communist or something else freestuff is always nice...."

• "...the common struggle and unity of the industrial workers(the hammer) and the farmers/peasants(the sickle)..."

• "...analyzing society in a manner consistent with classical Marxism."

• "...the history, leadership and current politics of left-wing parties and movements..."

• "...voice of the rebel worker..."

• "We are One. Demonstrations against Capital are Worldwide!"

• "Information is key to planning a socialist democracy"

• "...dedicated to reclaiming the Theory & Practice of Class Struggle..."

• "The individuals who have been working together as Deep Green Resistance Austin have left Deep Green Resistance, due to differences with the national organization. We will continue working under the ideals that brought us together."

• " initiative of OneWorld UK. We are a not-for-profit organisation and our mission is 'to leverage media innovatively for a fair and sustainable world'. Clearly, we cannot have a fair and sustainable world without tackling climate change."

• "Human rights, indigenous sovereignty, environmental and anti-globalization activists are calling for protests and boycotts of three major US retail chains-CompUSA, Sears and Kmart-due to their involvement with plans for a hydroelectric dam that would displace tens of thousands of indigenous subsistence farmers..."

• " Irish group taking action against aviation's climate impact. The group came together in 2007, when people from all over Ireland met at an environmental workshop organised by Gluaiseacht. We are drawn from counties Clare, Cork, Donegal, Dublin, Kilkenny, Limerick, Monaghan and Tipperary."

• "Earth First! is a philosophy, based in bio-centrism, and characterized by non-violent civil disobedience and direct action. It is a people's movement, for the Earth, and any group of people who get together and decide to do something about the destruction of nature, under the banner of 'Earth First!', is an Earth First! group...."

• "...a grassroots citizens group and individuals who work for social and environmental justice. The Citizens Coal Council and its members strive to: * Protect people, homes, water, communities, and the environment from coal mining damage.* Restore law and order by enforcing the federal Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act...."

• "...a collective effort working to illustrate the retardation of gas and its effect on modern culture all while having a hell of a good time doing it."

• "...guided in all of its decisions by the Ten Key Values, the pillars of which are Nonviolence, Social Justice, Grassroots Democracy and Smart Ecology. We further detail our values in our Platform of issues, which we adopted from the Green Party of California."

• "...a massive, multi-year effort to clean up the Puget Sound, brought to you by The Nature Conservancy, The Trust for Public Land, and People For Puget Sound."

• "[Unavailable]"

• "...a leader in the state in educating the public on the top environmental issues and then bringing conservation minded voters to the polls."

• "A recent survey shows that 88% of Australians do not want our oldgrowth forests burnt for power. Yet the major political parties joined together to pass legislation to allow this to happen..."

• "...addresses environmental issues facing communities of color in the United States. The EcoJustice Network provides on-line services, informational resources and training for activists and organizations involved in the environmental justice movement."

• "We'll be covering direct action techniques, basic legal information, activist security and tips for planning effective actions..."

• "National Grid promised most faithfully to clear up after themselves. What is happening in our lanes is that the road is caving in above the line of the pipe and being covered in soil subsiding from the track of the pipeline above...."

• "...a diverse political party that takes stands on nearly all current political issues."

• "...not an attempt to make authoritative statements about Japan or economics or anything else. It is an attempt to start a discussion."

• "Free flapjack should be the basis of society...Anarchism, Anarcho-communism, capitalism, Coercion, consensus, voting, crime, Crime and Justice, death penalty, death sentence, justice system, Kyriarchy, monetary system, money, Occupation, occupy, exeter Occupy, London, occupylondon, Occupy LSX..."

• "In general, non-anarchist sites which are not in direct opposition to libertarian principles would be accepted. In other words: Anarchy would not be hostess to private companies nor to authoritarian persons nor organizations...."

• "...exists as a resource for those interested in anarchist fiction, whether for scholarly pursuits or just to find books written by or about those who oppose the existence of the state."

• "What Is @net?, The Australian Anarchist Movement, The International Anarchist Movement, What Is Anarchism?, ABC MELBOURNE...a small network of anarchist bulletin board systems and online internet sites..."

• "An Atheistic Examination of the Culture of Belief: How Religious Devotion Trivializes American Law and Politics...First, there is no God. In fact, all definitions of the word 'God' are either self-contradictory, incoherent, meaningless or refuted by empirical, scientific evidence."

• "The blog of a father, husband, friend, and atheist..."

• "...contains over 200 anarchist graphics and anti-prison graphics. Please feel free to peruse and use these images for your flyers, websites and more. Unless noted, these images may be distributed freely."

• "What can M. Gilliland's The Free contribute to an understanding of the conceptual structure of modern British class struggle anarchism? 'There's a General Strike on, and thousands were still arriving from the North suburbs who had missed the battle.'"

• "Libertarian communists are also called anarchists. Anarchists are opposed to capitalism and the state, and they believe the working class must organize to overthrow capitalism and replace it with an egalitarian, libertarian system..."

• "...share information about zapata and zapatismo with members from around the world..."

• "...Direct Democracy, Consensus, Meetings and Facilitation, Affinity Groups, Collectives, Federations and Networks..."

• "...a forum for all aspects of anarchism. It aims to provide a platform for the dissemination and discussion of alternative libertarian views. Voline also welcomes postings concerning anarchist organisations and events...."

• "Anarchism is not just some utopian idea or a set of books about the Spanish Civil War. Anarchism is a practical philosophy whose ideas can be put into motion by ordinary folks. Practical Anarchy magazine is also branching out to cover the wider issues..."

• "...we are a group of people collectively working for non-violent social change. our goal is to play a significant role in rebuilding human society based on values of respect, love, communalism and an end to oppression."

• "...Socialism, anarchism, communism, activism, and atheism..."

• "Just added a few more MP3s for you to enjoy. Also reinstated the order cart buttons so the distro will now give you a total including postage again..."

• "The word 'Anarchy' in itself simply means no (an-) rulers (-arch). An Anarchist is someone who wants to live in a society without rulers, and who does not believe that government or any other form of statism is needed for individuals to flourish in a society...."

• "...consejo de tribus, asamblea de hermanos unidos, sueño incesante de repúblicas insurgentes y plebeyas, es una apuesta del anarquismo por sí mismo, por todas sus capacidades de fraternidad, de audacia y de amor, de voluntad y deseos revolucionarios."

• "Les gens de pouvoir, les médias utilisent à profusion le terme anarchie pour désigner le chaos économique, politique et moral de notre société...."

• "...realizado desde 1995 por un colectivo editorial libertario, difundiendo las actividades ácratas y sociales autónomas del continente. Cada número es elaborado, sin subsidios de ningún tipo, por el acuerdo libre de sus realizadores..."

• "Halk Için Musibet Bir Nesne Yok Gibi Olmaya Devlet Cihanda!"

• "...what might be termed anarchist or libertarian socialist ideas and practices..."

• "...achieving a voluntary, egalitarian and cooperative society..."

• "[Unavailable]"

• "Capitalisme global, Etat, Lutte des classes, Nationalisme, Patriarcat, Spécisme, Fascisme, Travail..."

• "... an occasional Anarchist magazine published twice yearly from Derby, UK. The magazine features articles and opinion from the all sides of the Anarchist movement."

• "Libertarian and Council Communism on the Web"

• " the thousands of workers who made the Revolution..."

• "...join me this week as I lament the passing of radical gayness..."

• "Außerdem geben wir die BIBLIOTHEK DES WIDERSTANDES heraus, in der wir uns mit den Kämpfen der Arbeiterklasse gegen Ausbeutung, Bevormundung und Unterdrückung in Ost und West, in Gegenwart und Vergangenheit beschäftigen...."

• "...your web source for information about leftist activity and ideals..."

• "...a libertarian socialist project based in Toronto, Canada. The focus of the project is twofold: To circulate information from a libertarian socialist perspective, both current and historical, and to provide a forum for discussion of those issues."

• "...a new anthology being compiled by Jason McQuinn and Chuck Munson. The book will be published Fall 2007 by C.A.L. Press and Breaking Glass Press. We plan to publish subsequent editions of the book..."

• "...a few preliminary comments on Anarchism..."

• "...we can see spontaneous manifestations of anti-Capitalist struggle in the form of scattered strikes, riots, protests, and in some areas, full fledged uprisings..."

• "To provide the best possible selection of materials that are of use, value, and importance to the struggles of working people."

• "...the working class must organize to overthrow capitalism and replace it with an egalitarian, libertarian system where each person's autonomy and individuality is fully realized..."

• "...I pledge allegience to civil disobedience..."

• "To Kill King Abacus is to create relations without measure, relations of affinity produced in struggle to destroy the state and capital..."

• " should be obvious that as soon as the existing Soldiers and Workers Councils stopped moving forward, they immediately became reactionary."

• "The economic preconditions for communism are shown to reside in the abolition of wage-labour, money and all value-determined production and distribution..."

• "She dreamed of a communistic society where everybody contributes according to ability and takes according to need...."

• "...published by anarchists in order to circulate revolutionary ideas..."

• "We are calling for a national campaign to take advantage of this election year to emphasize the power of direct action and to present direct democracy as a viable alternative to representation...."

• "I'm abnormal. In fact, it's the only way to go, and I'm sure you'll soon be able to appreciate that...."

• "...a queer-positive/anti-racist/feminist collective working toward youth liberation through anti-authoritarian organizing..."

• "Loosely, it could be said CAN is sympathetic to issues of worker's autonomy and self-activity...."

• " organisation of groups and individuals who have come together to change the Society we live in..."

• "...dedicated to reclaiming the Theory & Practice of Class Struggle from authoritarian groups or those who would presume in some way to act on behalf of the working class."

• " open-source journal for anarchists, anti-imperialists, anti-authoritarians, anti-racists, internationalists, libertarian socialists, indiginists, and fellow travelers from across the Celtic nations and in the diaspora community."

• "Tidningen är gratis för fångar. Donationer är välkomna för att kunna fortsätta skicka tidningen gratis till fängslade kamrater...."

• "The collapse of the Soviet Union has driven many to conclude that all alternatives to Capitalism are bound to fail..."

• "Our influences included the Italian autonomia movement of 1969-77, the situationists, and others who took Marx's work as a basic starting point and used it to develop the communist project beyond the anti-proletarian dogmatisms of Leninism..."

• "...anti capitalist & anti state struggle, for world human community..."

• "...the TV, press and films all preach obedience, and when anarchy is mentioned at all, it is presented as mindless destruction..."

• "...Türkçe konuşan bir kısım Anarşist Komünistlerin oluşturduğu bir portaldır...."

• "Individualidades, KontraInfo, KontraKultura, Organizaciones, Publicaciones..."

• "...intended to unite all of us anarchists on the web."

• "...for the use of anarchists who are members of reformist trade unions."

• "Anarchism is an anti-capitalist, anti-state movement struggling to maximize true freedom for all people...."

• "We are devoted to providing the most complete and accurate supply of digital anarchist media as we can...."

• "This web page holds an anarchist FAQ. Its aim is to present what anarchism really stands for and indicate why you should become an anarchist...."

• "...[a collection of mp3s, quotes, and flyers]..."

• "...designed to be a one stop startportal and resource center on anarchism."

• "Вы можете подписаться на бумажную версию нашего журнала и получать новые номера по почте...."

• "Gabriel Gonzalez is an innocent man on Texas death row! After 15 years, Gabriel has been granted a re-sentencing hearing. What we want and he deserves is a FULL NEW TRIAL!"

• " is intended to help open the minds of people who have been brought up to believe in some form of religious dogma. If your beliefs cannot stand up to reasonable questioning, why should you hang onto them?"

• " promote the presence of naturalism, rationalism, freethought, and skepticism in society via the Internet. This place is intended for anyone who is inherently curious and enjoys discussing the bigger questions in life."

• "...contains articles in which various problems with the Christian religion are examined. These problems include logical errors, internal contradictions, false historical claims, conflicts with science, and various moral failings."

• "...a website devoted to freethought and critical thinking on philosophy, religion, ethics, science, skepticism, and related topics."

• "Religion Lies. And so do you. This site is for atheists, agnostics, and theists alike. While some may enjoy it more than others, religionlies encourages everyone to express their ideas...."

• "Home, Paranormal, Bible, God, Jehovah's Witnesses, Religion, Discussion Board, On-line Bible..."

• "...where the godless celebrate the moral responsibility necessary to a scientific worldview. This website is dedicated to the scientific and moral vision of Jacob Bronowski (1908-1974)."

• " small contribution to the small community of atheists that make their beliefs known to the rest of the world."

• "You were searching for a safe harbor in a storm where you can commune with like-minded individuals without the fear that someone will be praying for your shriveled up, animal sacrificing, satan worshipping, sorry excuse for a soul..."

• "[There is] No God, Period!"

• "...compiled from the works of scholars in the field of theology, history, literature and science."

• "Do you think God is dead?"

• "Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. (Genesis 11:7)"

• "I am an atheist, humanist, Rationalist, Freethinker, ex-Christian and Materialist."

• "...the process of careful observation, thoughtful questions, and deductive reason..."

• "Belief is not subject to the will."

• "...freedom from the nonsense and confusion of religious deity..."

• "Your Commercial-Free Resource for Atheism, Ethics, Science and Education"

• "The religious recovery webzine."

• "How to have fun and save the world in the process!"

• "One young atheist, One heavily religious community, One Geocities account..."

• " deconversion was ultimately a matter of reason..."

• "Criticising Christianity"

• "...a portal for atheists looking for general information, blogs, newsfeeds, forums and connection to the atheist and critical thought online community."

• " encourage intelligent discussion of the issues surrounding equal rights for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered people, not excluding non-conventional relationships within those identities, such as polyamorous configurations."

• "...the ultimate guide to Gay South African information for both the international and local Gay & Lesbian Traveler (LGBT)."

• "A gay and lesbian lifestyle magazine on the web featuring articles on our varied lifestyles around the world, religion, film and video reviews, aids issues, artists' and musicians' interviews, music news.."

• "...News, Sex, Drugs, Emotions, General Health, Image, Food and Fitness, Society..."

• "...the Premier Gay-Friendly Real Estate e-Community!"

• "New social network takes the Gay-Straight Alliance online..."

• "Monthly cultural, social, and networking events for the self-identified Latino/a LGBT community..."

• "America's most read gay news..."

• "Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community featuring interesting articles, new, social networking, personals, community and chat...."

• "This morning, same-sex couples in Washington, DC began applying for marriage licenses...."

• "We are this. We do this. YAY!"

• "If history holds true to form, the nation will look back one day at the divisive debate over same-sex marriage and cringe at the unwarranted fears expressed and the hurtful statements made about homosexuals...."

• "...we will break down the myths and stereotypes of our lifestyle that surround our community. United under the flag of Pride, we African-American, Latina, Asian, Native-American and other lesbians of colors will give voice to the issues that matter to us..."

• "...a member-based organization created to foster a visible community for bisexual, bi-curious, bi-friendly people, their partners, and allies."

• "Check out more bios on trailblazing lesbians of color, writers, activists, historians, intellectuals and entrepreneurs...."

• "...a gay blog for the gay and lesbian community."

• "Anarchism is an international movement against the domination of our lives by systems of authority like capitalism, government, patriarchy etc. In their place we envision a society based on cooperation, community and individual autonomy, mutual aid, and direct action...."

• "...fought with others to win freedom for Ahmed Zaoui in 2004 and three Iranians in 2007. Thomas, Ali and Amir were refused refugee status..."

• "...a grassroots organization committed to using media production and distribution as tools for promoting social and economic justice in the maine Area. We are dedicated to addressing issues that the mainstream media neglects and we do not conceal our politics behind a false objectivity. We will empower people to 'become the media'..."

• "We rely on community support to keep our doors open - please consider donating to Autonomia in person...."

• "Orientation Session #1 of 2 is tentatively set for this coming Monday, June 20, at 5:30 p.m. with the orientation session starting promptly at 6:30 and going to 9:30 p.m. Let us know if you will plan to be there and how long you have been a member. Also whether you prefer a vegetarian meal..."

• "...adalah jaringan kolektif yang menjalankan outlet2 media yang menceritakan kebenaran secara radikal, akurat dan penuh semangat. Kami bekerja dengan cinta dan terinspirasi dari orang-orang yang bekerja untuk menciptakan dunia yang lebih baik, meskipun terdapat pemutar balikan fakta yang dilakukan oleh media-media besar..."

• "...a network of individuals from across the globe united by a desire to promote liberty through activism, information technology, and voluntary cooperation. We oppose coercion in all its forms."

• "We strive to provide an information infrastructure for people and opinions who do not have access to the airwaves, tools and resources of corporate media. This includes audio, video, photography, internet distribution and any other communication medium...."

• "What a waste of space these politicians are..I'd like to shove my boss's head down the toilet bowl..."

• "[Unavailable]"

• "...dedicated to providing an open forum for the exploration and expansion of egalitarian expressions."

• "Pssst...You didn't hear this from us, but...the resistance is real. Real enough that you can touch it. Go ahead...curl your hand into a fist and raise it in the air. Feel that? That surge of energy, that sense of unity? You are reaching into the revolution."

• "Novosti, Diskusije, Kultura, Istorija, Razno, Socijalni front, Kampanja protiv privatizacije, AntiNATO kampanja, Kolektiv DBPD, Antifašistički front..."

• "...una confederación internacional de skinheads comunistas y anarquistas, que tiene presencia en México a través de nueve secciones oficiales localizadas en el centro, sur, noroeste y occidente del país -la más antigua formada en 1999..."

• "...reunimo-nos para combater o capitalismo, que é a causa de toda a miséria social, tanto aqui como em todo o Mundo. Um dos aspectos importantes para alcançarmos uma sociedade melhor é a nossa auto-organização e a nossa acção directa."

• "...un espace autonome de réflexion, d'action et d'information. Son fonctionnement est basé sur les principes solidaires, égalitaires, et libertaires, avancés par le projet de société anarchiste."

• "C'est ainsi que nous définissions le rôle des brochures qui ont inspiré ce site : textes, affiches, photos sur l'histoire politique et sociale de ces hommes et de ces femmes qui ont osé construire une société 'sans Dieu, sans Maître'...."

• "...a Nigerian anarchist organisation with a couple of thousand members."

• "We were a diverse group of class struggle anarchists organising for effective resistance and struggle against capitalism and the state...."

• "...a local collective of anti-authoritarian anti-capitalists organizing for revolution in the London Borough of Waltham Forest."

• "Books, Magazines/Journals, Pamphlets, T-Shirts, Ordering Info, Contacting Us, Writings..."

• "We are the massed ranks (yeah, right) of anarchists in the Stroud Valleys and nearby, trying to start the social revolution here (it could happen, you never know)...."

• "...a network of autonomous collectives who are against all forms of exploitation & bigotry. We engage in direct action against capitalism & government, spread information, & build resistance to create a world based on justice & freedom."

• " anarchist / anti-authoritarian organizing body preparing for the 2008 Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minnesota."

• "Publications on libertarianism, anarchism, populism and social history - new and re-printed..."

• "...designed to post current information about RASH, and to be informative about the purpose and actions of RASH. There are currently RASH groups across the US with many non-skinhead supporters anywhere RASH is located."

• "United entry point..."

• "...a magazine produced by a diverse group of anarcha-feminist women in Dublin. We are all feminists, united in our recognition that women's subordination exists."

• "We're here, we're queer. And we're gonna let the world know it. We're gonna let the world know it with pom-poms and rhymes, and discussions and gigs...."

• "We have engaging speakers who will bring an anarchist perspective to topics ranging from love to class war. And on Saturday night, we have a great lineup of provocative sounds and words. Please join us..."

• "...started in 1998, it has been a tool and a diffuse structure coordinating groups and people sharing common struggles and practices, in accordance with various anticapitalist and anti-authoritarian principles..."

• "A lo largo de la historia de la humanidad se ha perpetuado la dominación de una minoría privilegiada sobre una mayoría desposeída y sometida, que ha tenido como consecuencia la apropiación desigual de los medios de producción y de los bienes de uso..."

• "...temporarily suspended former MA'Msters continue to be involved in anti-hierarchical activities, and might one day resurrect MA'M or something similar."

• "What is Anarchism? Anarchism is a social philosophy based upon the principles of liberty, equality and solidarity. It is the political dimension of a free society...."

• "...for people who work for a better world despite corporate media's distortions and unwillingness to cover efforts to develop an egalitarian and sustainable society."

• "This blog has been archived or suspended for a violation of our..."

• " to anarchist, anarcho-syndicalist, revolutionary syndicalist, and clearly anti-Statist, non-party aligned social organisations which run along libertarian principles."

• "...anti-war, migration, climate change, ecology, students, work, health, gender, culture, indymedia, global news, anti-nuclear, anti-racism, civil liberties, anti-corporate, miscellaneous, social movements..."

• "We have come to together to work for the elimination of all forms of oppression and exploitation in our community and around the planet..."

• "...est un groupe d'affinité anarchiste. Il est composé de militantes provenant de divers mouvements de résistance et s'identifiant à la tradition communiste libertaire dans l'anarchisme."

• "The FTAA IMC editorial collective will work to maintain the integrity of the newswire and the media commons it creates for our community of participants...."

• "...a small, radical Left tendency based in central Vermont. We seek the abolition of capitalism, the state, and all other social relations built on coercion, hierarchy, and oppression."

• "...a regional revolutionary anarchist federation located in the Great Lakes region of North America. It contained four member collectives..."

• "We produce and distribute hip-hop, various electronic stylings and radical literature, that promote class consciousness and the ideas of anarchism...."

• "...a collective a women and men based out of the Central Valley of California. Since our start, we have had our hands in everything from outreach and flyering, organization for Black Blocs, and putting on demonstrations."

• "...ugly page, events, links..."

• "...both a radical book and record shop, as well as a resource center. We are organized around anarchist principles and are volunteer and cooperatively run."

• "As multinational corporations accelerate the plunder of our world, a militant resistance has formed in response. Diverse in philosophy and targets, diffuse in geography and structure, the movement comprises freedom-loving folks with a sense of aplomb and gastronomics...."

• "...a small collective of people committed to distributing and publishing literature that confronts, questions and exposes the mega(death)machine of mass society, or points in any of the infinite directions we might take to have lives free from domination, domestication and senseless destruction."

• "Dear world!!! Greetings! We are the AS-A-WHOLE Art Collective, a group of free-lance artists, writers and anarchist bonded together and voluntarily working for the advancement of the community."

• "What constitutes 'anarchist studies,' and where did it come from?"

• "Community, Knowledge, Forum, Art & Culture, FreAQ..."

• "Anarchists and other anti-capitalists gathered from around the country in Christchurch over Labour Weekend (October 20-21) for two days of workshops, discussions, and other fun activities..."

• "...committed to prison abolition and prisoner support. The autonomous collectives that comprise the Network operate through horizontal, consensus-based decision making."

• "That's what anarchism is all about, celebrating and reinforcing all those attempts to build a free world for everyone, where everyone lives their full life free from imposed authority...."

• "We're a small, non-hierarchical collective of DIY, anarchist, feminist (definitions?) women based in Brighton, UK. We've been meeting to gather and share info and experiences about our health..."

• "Anti-Prison, Insurrection, Autonomy..."

• "...межорганизационное анархическое объединение, действующее на территории Восточной Европы и Сибири. Ассоциация образована в июне 1990 года..."

• "This is a blog about Cannabis. It features a grow journal where I write my everyday experiences while im cultivating and purchasing some of the finest cannabis in the world..."

• "...nella speranza che questo serva a diffondere ulteriormente l'interesse per la cultura psichedelica. Albert Hoffmann lo sapesse!"

• "The complete blog for everything related to Marijuana. Get the latest news, methods, tips and tricks for everything to do with weed. Questions welcomed!"

• "...where all of the organizations dedicated to the legalization of cannabis hemp in America can come together..."

• "Your homegrown source for Medical Cannabis Activism, News, and Listings in San Jose..."

• "[Unavailable]"

• "Cannabis THC Is Best Known Treatment For Alzheimer's Disease..."

• "Gathering musicians and listeners together to......Help End Marijuana Prohibition!"

• "Since 1978, Women's Educational Media has produced and distributed films and educational resources on issues ranging from environmental concerns to affordable housing to preventing prejudice. Working closely with educators, activists, national and local organizations, we ensure that our films are used to inspire meaningful social change."

• "[Unavailable]"

• "[Unavailable]"

• "...Feminism, Arts and Culture, and Dialectical Materialism..."

• "We have not posted Elizabeth Cady Stanton's famous speech of this title on our website because we have not yet had opportunity to collect all versions, compare them, and perfect the text...."

• "A weekend gathering to inspire, inform and arm you with ideas looking at health-in-the-widest-sense from a feminist angle..."

• "...alternative or fetish lifestyles, lovestyles and belief styles. ~ BDSM, D/s, Polyamory, BBW & larger size loves, Bisexuality, Paganism/spiritualism...or just being a woman!"

• "...composed of atheists, agnostics and humanists who are joining together to defend the separation of church and state, the need for freedom FROM religion, and to counter religious myths and other supernatural beliefs with rational, scientific and and other secular philosophical concepts."

• " extensive list of primary source documents on issues relating to the interaction of religion and politics, categorized by era from ancient times to the present."

• "...promueve la máxima difusión y la aplicación integral del humanismo, para beneficio de los cubanos, su nación y la humanidad en general. ¡Es gigantesco lo que hay por hacer! pero ¡tenemos todo lo necesario para hacerlo!"

• "...kao kolektiv radikalno leve orijentacije, je osnovao Odsek za borbu protiv organizovane religije, koji izdavanjem ovog lista želi da propagira slobodu izbora, kriti?ko mišljenje i borbu protiv svih pokušaja da se ljudski um zatvori u bilo koji oblik dogme."

• "I frequent an AOL chat room titled 'god is a MYTH' and as you can well imagine, the fundies come roaring in, caps lock ablaze, and proceed to give us their self-rightious, heathen lectures...."

• "Student Animal Rights Alliance now has a weblog! Read about SARA's activities, and link to our webring. Liberation Now! Updates..."

• "...the first Egyptian Animal Rights privately funded N.G.O. to be registered as a charitable organization with The Egyptian Ministry of Social Affairs, Registration # 1615 / 2001. A milestone for Animal Rights in Egypt and the Middle East."

• "Animal Rights 2004 is the animal rights movement's annual national conference. It provides a forum for sharing knowledge, discussing strategies and tactics, networking, and 'recharging our batteries.' Animal Rights 2004 brings our movement together under the banner of total animal liberation from human oppression..."

• "Animal Rights 2001 is a forum for sharing motivation, knowledge, and contacts to end all forms of animal exploitation. No viewpoint or faction that supports this goal will be excluded. No attack on any organization or individual that supports this goal will be tolerated."

• " Australian animal rights organisation dedicated to ending all human activity that harms nonhuman animals and all anthropocentric and speciesist attitudes. As such, we act as a voice for the most exploited and vulnerable creatures on earth. Animal Liberation was founded in 1976 and now has branches in all states of Australia..."

• "We'd like to encourage you to continue bringing vegetarian food donations for our food bank. Thank you to all those who have brought donations so far, the need is great for many at this time and your contributions are very appreciated."

• "...actively works toward the acquisition of rights for all nonhuman animals by educating the public and the veterinary profession about a variety of issues concerning nonhuman animal use. The AVAR is actively seeking reformation of the way society treats all nonhumans and an increase in environmental awareness, as well."

• "We are a student organization at Middle Tennessee State University, in Murfreesboro, TN. We do activism for issues concerning the mistreatment and exploitation of animals. We promote vegan/vegetarian lifestyles as a way to save animals in a direct way on a daily basis! Check out the Why Veg section to find out more."

• "...formed to counter claims by multinational drug and chemical companies' that animal testing saves lives and promotes human health. We strongly believe that animal testing harms human health and ultimately can kill people. We are appalled these companies claim to speak for us. THEY DON'T. We need to see an end to all animal tests..."

• "Bellow are random images of animal cruelty, animal waiting to be killed and demonstrations against it...."

• "In 2006 three of the most effective animal organisations in South Africa, namely Justice for Animals, Xwe African Wildlife and South Africans for the Abolition of Vivisection, decided to join forces in an unprecedented and historic move to advance a common mission by pooling their resources, expertise and commitment..."

• "'Every society has offenders. We just never built prisons.' - Stormy Ogden, American Indian Movement"

• "...que entendemos la estrecha relación que existe entre los humanos y su medio, pero en especial, valoramos el vínculo que se forma con los animales, a quienes consideramos nuestros hermanos, y como tales, merecedores de nuestro respeto, amor y cuidado; ya sean silvestres o domésticos."

• " bring San Diego area vegetarians together in fun and informative activities."

• "....the newspaper that every union member and friend of labor should read. We publish each month with news on all topics that relate to Labor. This month's issue features: Union News, Financial and Medical News, Federal Sector News, Photo coverage of Labor issues by Mark Fredericks, Boycott Information, articles you won't want to miss."

• "The owners of this country want you to keep watching American Idol while they steal our American dream. Open your eyes!"

• "[Unavailable]"

• "...a place for news and views from a union perspective. Originally called The Willow Grove Twilight Steward Info Site, this site was started in 2003, and continues to be administered today, by Howard Hall, a Teamsters Local 384 Shop Steward at UPS."

• "But the corporate executives who run Disney today are spoiling that magic, betraying Walt's vision and Disney cast members. 2,100 employees of the Disneyland Hotels, including bellmen, dishwashers, room attendants, and cooks, have been working without a contract since February 2008..."

• "I am a railroad conductor with about 21 years of service. Railroading is a wonderful life...."

• "There may be a big police presence to stop the anti-capitalists, this will not benefit Nike's image...."

• "Do you feel the need to have more than one loving, intimate relationship in your life at a time? Are you deeply in love with one person and yet have very strong feelings for someone else at the same time?"

• "Meetings & Activities in South Florida, Poly Relationship Styles, Poly Groups in Florida, Meeting Other Poly's, South Florida Polyamory Member Listings..."

• "A Social and Discussion Group for those Polyamorous in Brevard County, Florida..."

• "...the inspiring story of one girl's struggle to become a woman, and a bright light on the pain and devastation of abuse."

• "...'YOUR' Bill Of Rights!, Introduction To Online Counseling, The Secret Of Serenity, Learning The Warning Signs Of Abuse, Healing The Wounds Of Abuse, Finding My Way Back Home..."

• " firm that specializes in training seminars, curriculum development and a myriad of public relations functions on the issues of violence against women and children and workplace violence."

• "In most states the penalty for an adult who rapes a child is twenty years plus-UNLESS that adult happens to be related to the child-in which case the maximum sentence could be PROBATION. If Congress passes the bill into law, the CARE Act will change all this."

• "This site is dedicated to survivors, and their allies in healing...."

• "...about Healing the Mind and Spirit. You can find information here on Abuse Survivor Support, Buddhism, Human Rights, and Mental Health..."

• "I want to make it clear that the reason I have done this is not because I am some kind of saint or do-gooder, it's because I NEED to make the abuse I suffered count for something. This is my way of healing."

• "Abuse robs us, deeply and painfully. There are many places within these pages for survivors to share their stories, feelings, and courage. Every time someone listens, we inch closer to a society where we are all free to 'be'...."

• "I created these Pages, because I'm getting tired of watching the News and all I see is Violence, Hate, Childabuse and Cruelty to Animals. Those are HUMAN Issues and we all need to educate ourselves about them. Don't be ignorant!"

• "To mobilize resources to meet children's needs to be counted as valued members of society...enhance public awareness of the vulnerability of children and to speak on their behalf."

• "Resource and Information Directory on Child Abuse in the State of Alaska. Last year we took the step to enlarge our fight against child abuse. If you have information, programs or suggestions to add about child abuse prevention or resources for people dealing with the issue..."

• "Both my wife and I have spent hour after hour looking for on-line resources for partners of child abuse survivors, and these are the few resources that we have been able to find...."

• "It is my hope to bring awareness to the tragedy of abuse; be it sexual, physical, or mental. Abuse does not discriminate and knows no boundaries. It's effects are long term and difficult to overcome. Some victims never recover."

• "...for survivors of abuse to find encouragement, support, and a safe place to share..."

• "...building a reputation for her sensitive yet provocative social issue videos. She has long been involved with organizations that promote social change. Her documentaries focus on contemporary social issues critical to marginalized individuals and groups."

• "...a page which I hope will be helpful and useful to anyone who is either a survivor, or working with survivors. Please note that the contents and images on this page may be triggering to other abuse survivors...."

• "The following information is provided to promote education and understanding in our communities so that victims of self-injury may openly discuss their issues without stigmatism, and other individuals in society may be aware of these issues without prejudice...."

• "In Crisis?, Help-Lines, Support Forums, Chat Room, Links, Self-Harm, Wise Words, Soul Food, Life Goes On, Sponsor & Ads..."

• " raise awareness about self-injury, as well as offering hope, support, and enlightenment to those who self-injure, their kith and kin, and those who work alongside people who hurt themselves."

• "This page is dedicated to all survivors of sexual abuse and rape. There are millions of women, children, and men who fall victim to this crime. This page will hopefully be a comfort and an outlet for many survivors...."

• "A web site inspired by the desire to inform the American public of the gross failure of child welfare agencies across this nation, failure which sacrifices our most precious resource....our children."

• "...there are people all over the world who can be there for you..."

• "Each person's healing journey is unique..."

• "In Remembrance of the Lost Ones..."

• "A Message To Everyone The World Over"

• "Before It's Too Late!"

• "...resources to connect with other survivors..."

• "...una organización Estatal que forma parte del Comité Estatal de Organizaciones Comunistas (CEOC), junto a los camaradas de la Organización Comunista Octubre (OCO) y de la organización comunista País Valenciá (OCPV)."

• "Defend Dave Swanson, Defend the Union, Defend Education, Support the UCU strike, Thurs 27th August, Manchester CollegeUCU members at the Manchester College will be carrying out a second one-day Strike in defence of the UCU..."

• "The Seventh Congress of the Workers Party of Belgium has laid down its five-year orientations for the entire party...."

• "...strives to establish a radical democracy that places people's lives under their own control - a non-racist, classless, feminist socialist society...where working people own and control the means of production and distribution through democratically-controlled public agencies..."

• "We, anti-imperialist and democratic mass organizations from different countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America, North America, Europe and Oceania, are happy to announce the successful holding of the First International Assembly establishing the International League of Peoples' Struggle (ILPS)..."

• "El Partido Comunista fue fundado el 16 de junio de 1931. En los años cuarentas adoptó el nombre de Partido Vanguardia Popular. El PVP es una organización revolucionaria, marxista-leninista...."

• "...the home of radical youth who believe in a better world, based upon cooperation, not competition, where human life is respected and valued, where everyone's basic needs are met, and where people are free to live up to their fullest potential."

• "It is not a political group conceived to add to the competition between the many socialist organisations which already exist. It is a network of activists which campaigns for the widest practical collaboration of left groups and movements..."

• "...a fair economy, a real democracy, a new party..."

• "...warmly invites you to attend a conference and community dialog event at the University of Washington, Thursday evening May 13th - Friday evening May 14th."

• "European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugees..."

• "To organize and educate students and the community about racism and its negative, disruptive, and devastating impact on society and the world. Originally called the Chris Hani Anti-Racism Coalition, in honor of Comrade Chris Hani who spoke here at UMass in 1991..."

• " promote the acceptance of individual diversity within communities, expose individuals to the commonalties of all humans, to encourage and support efforts within communities that promote diversity and break down social barriers created by ignorance and stereotypes."

• "...a project founded by John McKenzie as a step to help in ending racism. Among its aims are to give support to people who believe and are ready to admit that by growing up in a racist culture, there is no way they could have avoided becoming racists themselves."

• "Helps create a network of people and groups who want to work to abolish the racial wealth divide..."

• "Project Change initial goals included the following: Dismantle institutional policies and practices that promote racial discrimination; Ease tensions between majority and minority groups and reduce inter-ethnic conflict; Promote fair representation of diversity in the leadership of community institutions..."

• "...local protests and rallies..."

• "...a support group for racialized people in Canada who were facing racial profiling, abuse of their rights, employment discrimination, housing discrimination, refusal of service based on race, denial of freedom from discrimination and violation of their citizenship rights as Canadians."

• "...a coalition of individuals and organizations dedicated to halting the rise of the racist right."

• "...a campaigning organisation whose purpose is to take a visible and active stance against racism in our society. It consists of like-minded grassroots activists from minority ethnic support groups, human rights, anti globalisation, political activists, trade unions, community organisations, etc."

• "...a grassroots network of people who consciously work to develop anti-racist, multiracial politics in the movement against global capitalism. We are committed to helping build an anti-racist, anti-imperialist, multiracial, feminist, queer and trans liberationist, anti-authoritarian movement against global capitalism."

• " alliance of children and youth advocates, researchers, law enforcement professionals and community organizers that seeks to, 1. Reduce overrepresentation and disparate treatment of youth of color in the justice system; 2. Promote fair, rational and effective juvenile justice policies."

• " online resource center for the struggle against white supremacy. This site is currently the online home for the Active Solidarity Collective and Anti-Racism for Global Justice, two anti-racist organizations focused on building movements which can effectively struggle for a free society."

• "...created to develop more analytical, culturally-rooted and effective community organizers. Over the past 24 years, The People's Institute Undoing Racism / Community Organizing process has impacted the lives of nearly 100,000 people both nationally and internationally..."

• "...provides a common language and understanding of race and racism so that organizers can build useful coalitions and work toward institutional equity and social change."

• "Our mission is to serve our community and our people. To serve as the voice for our people. To be an example to a generation that is short of positive role models. We are not here for personal gain nor riches. We are here to help those that are oppressed and need a voice."

• "We believe that African-Americans suffer immeasurable loss due to the lingering effects of plantation slavery..."

• "...first set up after instances of racist chanting at a game in February 1998, with the intention of showing positive ways forward for all concerned, and demonstrating that many Leeds fans do care about this issue. The problem is still with us, and most of us hate it - that's why this page is still here."

• "We are individuals who wish to make a positive difference in the lives of Latinos living on the greater Eastside, by helping to fill a civic leadership void for Latinos in this geographic area. We include longtime residents and recent arrivals, from a variety of Latino cultures and diverse language and occupational backgrounds."

• "Student activism around anti-racism needs to be revitalised and what better way than a get together! It's a great opportunity to learn about race issues, share skills, network with like-minded people and plan for the future direction of the student anti-racism movement!"

• "In our work we are advocating for Roma minority human rights as the rights of most numerous minority in Europe, applying global, regional and local minority human rights standards down the local grassroot level, to improve the situation of local Roma communities...."

• "We, the New Black Panther Party for Self Defense local chapter, representing the national New Black Panther Party, are currently organizing for the benefit of our people in this city, region, nation, and all over the earth. To this end we scientifically and consistently organize to redeem our people and ourselves...."

• "No 'remote area' excuse, for the neglect and discrimination this Aboriginal community has experienced in Darwin for decades...Prior to the 2005 election the Kumbutjil Association received a promise of new housing from NT Labor..."

• "[Unavailable]"

• "...devoted to the concern of anti-Asian violence. We hope to apply the Internet to further understand the issues of racial and ethnic violence, and to search for solutions."

• "...a coalition of people of color dedicated to achieving equity, equality, and social justice in partnership with communities of color through advocacy, education, and leadership development."

• " provide a forum for the discussion of racism..."

• "...began with a dream and vision of George Meany that labor have its own college: a national center that would provide continuous labor education for all union activists."

• "The history of CWA outlines its evolution from 1910 to the present showing the pursuit of workers rights at great effort and sacrifices on the part of its members, stewards and officers of numerous CWA districts and locals...."

• "...a labor union representing 5,000 members at over 100 workplaces in northern Minnesota and Wisconsin and in North Dakota. Our members work in the retail grocery industry, in food processing, in healthcare, as pharmacists, barbers, truck drivers and in non-profit and public agencies...."

• "The UTU has selected Anthem Life Insurance Co. to provide a national group voluntary short-term disability plan for all rail members...."

• "Communication is a big part of railroading. We carry an ever-changing list of do's, don'ts, what went where's and on and on!"

• "To represent faculty by upholding and negotiating the collective bargaining agreement. To take a proactive approach in improving working conditions through legislative action and state funding...."

• "2003 Goals: 1. Increase membership so that we can build a strong bridge between the Latino and Labor Community...."

• "...Make Your Voice Count..."

• "Officers and Committees, UTU Informational Page, UTU News Flashes, Wages and Expenses Form..."

• "Please use more caution with slip, trip and fall as winter approaches...."

• " carry out projects that generate high-skills, high-wage jobs, improve workforce training systems, improve delivery of services for dislocated workers, and build alliances between labor, community organizations, local government, and employers."

• "...Future Topics, Benefits, FRA Information, UTU Letters, UTU Officers, How to Contact Congress, Misc. Information, Suggestions?"

• "...Message Board, International Site, Other Local's Sites, TCS Commands, CMS Status Codes, Agreement Info..."

• "...Local 1 News, Local 1 Officers, Local 1393 News, Local 1393 Officers..."

• "...Agreements, L.A. Hub, Crew Line Ups..."

• "Union starts with you! The regular meetings of Local 322 are held 7:00 P.M...."

• "The Local is headquartered in Edgemont, SD a mainline terminal on the BNSF...."

• "...Regular Meeting - The First and third Tuesday of every Month..."

• "...has been representing railroad trainmen and locomotive engineers for over 110 years. The UTU Local 650 is the exclusive representative of the trainmen's training and working contracts."

• "...representing ns's div. trainmen and engineers..."

• "Serving the Milwaukee Road D&I Subdivision since 1953. Representing Conductors, Switchmen, Trainmen, and Firemen at Metra since 1983...."

• "...located in Fresno, Ca., and serves the UTU members working on the BNSF Valley Div. This web site is for the exclusive use of its members for research, information, education and discussions."

• "This Local represents the Conductors and Assistant Conductors of Boston's Commuter Rail..."

• "Serving Train and Engine service members, Hamlet Charlotte and Fayetteville..."

• "Inside you will find various resources for the member. This Website is intended to provide multitudes of general information pertinent to our Local..."

• "Representing the Men and Women of Union Pacific Railroad of Shreveport, LA..."

• "...Northe Platte Nebraska..."

• "...UTU Local 1138 is composed of train & engine service employees of CSX Transportation in Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, and West Palm Beach, and of the Florida East Coast Railway in Hialeah, West Palm Beach, and Ft. Pierce...."

• "Representing our Brothers and Sisters of CN Flatrock, Michigan and Toledo, Ohio...."

• "...Meetings, Officers, Contact us, B&O Agreement, Pay Codes, Trip Rates, Pay Scale, Payroll Contacts, Political..."

• "There will be International Officers at our next meeting to explain the contract please arrange to make this meeting and be ready to listen and ask questions. Your questions may make a difference in getting a good explanation of the contract...."

• "Get meeting times and locations..."

• "Representing the Conductors and Engine employees of Kansan City hub zone 2..."

• "Serving the California members of the United Transportation Union..."

• "...find your representative..."

• " help elect representatives that understand the concerns of UTU members..."

• "...Union Pacific/former Southern Pacific Western Lines - UTU Engine Service..."

• "Regular Union Meetings are on the first Tuesday of each mouth at Roseville Veterans' Memorial Hall in Royer Park..."

• "While collective bargaining remains a major tool used by labor unions to achieve fair wages and decent working conditions for their members, another tool has emerged to become equally powerful: legislation."

• "If you are not a member, please send a request by clicking..."

• "AWTS agreement!, International, Constitution, Agreements, Proposed Run-thru Agreement, FRA, Railway Labor Act, Mediation Board, Railroad Retirement Board..."

• "What is a Union? How the Union is organized? Does the UTU have Political Influence?"

• "Through its annual Labor Awards Dinners, LRA gives recognition to labor and political leaders who have made significant contributions to labor struggles...."

• "As long as capitalism exists, the threat of fascism will never be eliminated. Fascism, as a social and political movement, is a form of capitalism that does away with the pretence of parliamentary democracy, and rules instead by force and terror."

• "...the linkages between transnational black politics, social movements and world historical events of the twentieth century."

• "The Pocho Hour of Power thanks everyone who called in their support and made their complaints loud and clear to the management of KPFK...."

• "This site is designed to be a resource tool for Chicanas and Chicanos as well as other concerned humans in the struggle against racism directed at Mexicanos, Latinos and immigrants in the United States of America...."

• "Satisfying Your Mind, Body, and Soul..."

• "...-African American History, -Women's History, -Comparative 20th Century South African History..."

• "[Unavailable]"

• "Racism is the most challenging issue confronting America. A nation whose ancestry includes every people on earth, whose motto is E pluribus unum, whose ideals of freedom under law have inspired millions throughout the world, cannot continue to harbor prejudice against any racial or ethnic group without betraying itself...."

• "This site is for the perpetrators of racism as well as the victims of racism. My belief is that you're either one or the other and possibly both; no one is free...."

• "My name is Joe and these pages are the result of my personal research. I do not belong to any group nor do I try to please any specific group. This research covers the facts, causes and issues of discrimination and hatred...."

• " combat racial discrimination, racism and xenophobia, and to encourage good relations among individuals and communities from different backgrounds; to help the media represent the realities and concerns of a country where diversity is a fact and integration is a shared aspiration..."

• "[Unavailable]"

• "...a blog for parents who are committed to raising children with an anti-racist outlook."

• "Colonizer, my enemy I will confront and challenge you I will neither accept nor conform to your lies I will challenge you I know who I am..."

• " the forefront of new thinking on race relations and racial equality today, both in Britain and abroad. We chose the name to reflect the magazine's role: to kickstart debates, discussions, new ideas and arguments - about where we are now, and where we might be going in the future."

• "...initiated in January 2005 as a non-profitmaking project to document material in the public domain which advocates a fear and hatred of the Muslim peoples of the world and Islam as a religion."

• "...BrownWatch News, Police Brutality Watch, Latest Headlines..."

• "....MBAPBSAllAmericaDem, Media, music, politics & voting rights, race, religion, sexuality..."

• "...Disclaimer, Age, Class, Ethnicity, Exceptionality, Gender, General Diversity, Language, Religion/Creed, Sexual Orientation, Teaching Resource..."

• "The goal of this site is to foster discussion around African American and Diasporan Culture. We want to explore this question, What is 'Black' and what do Black people Love?"

• "Tous les ghettos! Territoriaux ou mentaux, culturels ou sociaux, tout ce qui confine nos actions, étrique nos visions, nous empêche d'avancer vers un monde où la diversité et la nouveauté sont vus comme des moteurs, pas des menaces!"

• "Chris Gardner is given a lot of love and respect from the EB.C crew. Check the video (click here) of his interview held at the The Museum of the African Diaspora, in San Francisco...."

• "...we focus all our energy daily toward providing our visitors the very best the black world has to offer."

• "No people come into possession of a culture without having paid a heavy price for it..."

• "Why Because fascism kills people and fascists are active in today's world. Fascism is not a philosophy. Fascism it not a political theory, an opinion, or a weltanshaung. Fascism is a rationalization for mass murder and the destruction of democratic institutions."

• "We are (Black Owned, Conceived and Controlled) Black Pages Today Network..."

• "...a place designed to stimulate the African man or woman, through the tools of social communication whether its meeting people, sharing opinions on the forum, starting groups on issues important to you, or the soon to be released blogging platform within the site which I am currently writing on."

• "At the end of the day, we should be fighting for greater inclusion of African-Americans in the workplace or on the playing field, and that fighting should not be taking place among fragile communities of color but on a higher level and against more powerful entities who seek to marginalize and exploit us...."

• "...a blog for ordinary people wanting extraordinary success..."

• "The Supremes Cut Away At Brown..."

• "Why the Black Vote Counts in America...."

• "Husband, father, videographer, left-thinking brotha of African descent. I'm trying to build a small wedding and videography business . My real dream is to do travel photography..."

• "An aggregator of african women blogs..."

• "Black Leaders Discuss The State of African Americans In Connecticut. Connecticut Black News Is The Official Black News Portal For African Americans Living In Connecticut...."

• "Founded by 14-year old Atlanta resident, Kenya Jordana James in 2002, Blackgirl Magazine and its youthful staff are commited to providing information that not only entertains, but empowers. As the first magazine of its kind, Blackgirl focuses on promoting positive messages and imagery among African American teens..."

• "Much of the racial tension - at least between blacks and whites - stems from historical practice of Slavery in America. Many feel that Slavery in America was the epitome of Racism. Dinesh however, in chapter #3 of his book attempts to explain how and why American Slavery allegedly was not a racist institution...."

• "One man's pursuit of personal perfection...."

• "...a Chicano family-owned small publishing house dedicated to publishing and producing unknown, emerging, and established progressive Chicano and Latino voices. With a commitment to social justice and human rights Calaca Press strives to bring about change through the literary arts. From poetry and the spoken word to fiction..."

• "Living Life as an African and Lovin' it..."

• "Speaking Out For The New Civil Rights Movement By Supporting And Increasing The Influence Of America's Constitutional Infrastructure..."

• "Prejudices exist. It is an undeniable force within our society, so prevalent that it can be found within the most open-minded people and enlightened organizations, subtly taking its toll despite the best of intentions."

• "...actively engaged in exposing and opposing racism in all its manifestations and forms and is committed to supporting human rights community networks throughout the world."

• "...home to the anti-racism group, New Born Nation (NBN) to where you will find lots of material on civil rights, history and campaigns to stop racism. Full of speeches, poems, writings and information, it's the best way to sum up my life, in one go."

• "[Unavailable]"

• "...designed for honest and open discussion about racism in America. This deeply rooted self destructive behavior is as All-American as apple pie. The endless stories about slavery, abolitionists, Jim Crow laws, freedom marches, civil rights, wealth, and power has made America what it is today."

• " electronic archive of American oratory and related documents. It is intended to serve general scholarship and courses in American rhetorical history at Northwestern University."

• "[Unavailable]"

• "...offers a protected online space where white anti-racists and people of color who support and encourage white anti-racists can assemble, network, share in community, and act to transform our larger society to one that is racially just."

• "Navigating the world with my inter-racial, inter-cultural family..."

• "The only thing necessary for the persistence of evil is for enough good people to do nothing...."

• "What's your favourite skinhead music? Reggae, Ska, Soul, Punk / Oi, Hardcore, Mod, Other (?)..."

• "[Unavailable]"

• "...Poets Corner, Have Your Say, Black History, Black Health..."

• "If you're looking for a source for web sites that feature content relevant to African-Americans...this is the place. We have a directory of Black web sites ranging from non-profit organizations to Black dating sites to Black music sites operated by African-Americans...."

• "Get all the details. Learn about the code words of hate used to vilify Latinos. Read examples of the steady growth of hate crimes committed against Hispanics since 2004...."

• "His most recent book, PowerNomics: The National Plan to Empower Black America, was released in February 2001..."

• "Thank you so much for your contribution of time and for your signature to our petition to abolish modern day slavery. Thanks to you, we received over 127,000 names..."

• "Whether he's writing about the injustices African-Americans face, politics, and the reverent or irreverent, RiPPa uses his sense of humor and sarcasm to convey his opinion, and whether others agree with him, it isn't his concern...."

• "Is racism everywhere? We certainly have racism in the United States. And racism in North Asia; racism in South Asia; racism in South East Asia. Racism in North Africa; racism in South Africa; racism in East, West, and Central Africa. Racism in Europe and the Mediterranean. Racism in Central and South America. Tribal wars in many places."

• "...defines a Positive Black Image to be someone who meets several of the following qualities. Someone who: I Positively impacts community, family, and /or work environment...."

• "I am a Kenyan mshairi (poet in Kiswahili) living in the UK dreaming of a time when the cultural, legal and political obstacles that prevent African women attaining economic independence and equality are eradicated. I would like to see the development of gender-sensitive ICT policies..."

• "[Unavailable]"

• "An audio history of the civil rights movement in five Southern communities and the music of those times..."

• "My family joined the civil rights struggle when I was a kid. That's me and my brother up above. We got death threats from anonymous callers in the middle of the night."

• "For the Study of Bigotry and Human Rights in North America"

• "...provides both an online resource for the activist community and a portal offering information about anti-racism activities to the general public."

• "In the memory of those six million Jews killed by the Third Reich..."

• "No Deportations No Racism Amnesty Now"

• "Hurricane Katrina was a natural disaster, but the continued displacement of New Orleans public housing residents is a man-made travesty."

• "...started by four of the Bay Area's most cutting-edge youth projects, who all wanted to come together to share resources and space, and work together to build the youth movement."

• "...builds bold humanitarian leaders. The Future Leaders Institute (FLI) programs provide the inspiration, structure and guidance for Bay Area high school students to realize their passions through student-created projects that provide tangible social or environmental contributions to the community."

• "...a non-profit organization that builds relationships between grassroots youth organizers, donors, professionals and artists through grant making, technical assistance and youth culture."

• "...a practical way to assert support for the principle of parliamentary sovereignty, and to call for parliaments to be fully involved in the development and scrutiny of IMF and World Bank policies."

• "...a grassroots activist organization that has worked for social change since 1975. We want to live in a world which has a just distribution of resources and a political system based on empowerment, participation and responsibility."

• "Creating links between citizens and our most effective policy and movement leaders..."

• " independent, nonprofit institute that provides research and education resources to grassroots groups, unions, policymakers and journalists interested in the Federal Reserve System and financial markets."

• "We publish 'Handbook of the Streets', the only comprehensive Community Resource Guide for low-income and homeless people in Clark County, WA."

• "...the nation's only nonpartisan nonprofit organization working to strengthen the capacity of state legislators to lead and achieve progressive change."

• "...committed to the democratization of knowledge about politics. Our mission is to deepen and broaden the public's understanding of the political world."

• "...low and moderate income families spend far more of what they earn in state and local taxes than wealthy people do."

• "...a distinctly activist character in keeping with the Pacific Northwest's pioneering spirit and the Christian call for compassion."

• "The local food bank in Toppenish, Washington was on the verge of closing. Through the use of organizing skills learned at Citizens Alliance Leadership Institutes, the St. Aloysius Catholic Church Core Team of leaders was able to be the catalyst for a new community-based food bank..."

• "The success of the Religious Right in appropriating the language of Christianity has led many people to become generally wary of religion in the public sphere and of Christianity in particular...."

• " build a local grassroots community that combines spirituality and progressive politics, to be a forum for ideas and sharing, to network with one another in our local neighborhoods and in the greater Seattle area, and to work together in the coalescing of a nation-wide political movement."

• "...uniting working families, small business owners, seniors, health care workers, community leaders, and policy makers to fight for affordable, quality health care that we can all count on."

• "Our staff works with individuals, small groups and entire communities to create suitable, affordable housing, support working families and their employers, enhance communication among community members and strengthen the performance of nonprofit organizations."

• "Community Action changes people's lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities, and makes America a better place to live. We care about the entire community, and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other."

• "...a national grassroots corporate watchdog organization. Founded in 1977, Infact is best known for its successful Nestle and GE Boycott Campaigns..."

• "...a local, membership organization committed to involving individuals and local communities in building foundations for a just and nonviolent world."

• " independent volunteer organization open to anyone - Greens, Independents and Decline to State as well as Democrats - interested in helping to move our society towards true equality, justice, and democratic ideas."

• " alliance of independent thinkers leading conversations in media outlets and social networks about our shared values as Americans and progressive approaches to solving problems."

• "All politics are local and no one knows that better that the over one million members of Democracy for America..."

• "...founded because we love music. We cannot stand by silently while the recording industry continues its decades-long effort to lock up our culture and heritage by misrepresenting the facts to the public, to artists, the fans and to our government."

• "...a group of individuals campaigning against ID cards & the National Identity Register. We meet informally on the second & last Thursdays of each month..."

• "Redefining Arts and Activism in the Gate City...."

• "...the state of Israel is brutally and wrongfully occupying and colonizing Palestine..."

• "Thank you to everyone who joined us on Women's Day!"

• "...promotes wages and policies that work so we can all make ends meet."

• "Are you interested in joining Chattanooga Feminist Collective?...We are aiming to be an activist group focused on bringing positive change to the community through promoting an agenda that meets feminist ideals."

• " provide a safe space for feminist-identified womin and men to converse and participate in the activities they feel are important to building a new feminist friendly society through a student group."

• "...initiated by a group of lawyers, activists, journalists and academics in order to address the intensifying trend of cultural/religious legitimization of lethal violence against women."

• "Elevating the status of women involves many, many issues, and that is why NOW is a multi-issue organization...."

• "...invests in social entrepreneurship for women's wellbeing worldwide."

• "Animal rights and anti-speciesism views and news commentary from Malta...."

• "Shortly before his death, anti-vivisection pioneer Hans Ruesch spoke briefly of a French documentary about vivisection that he hoped would eventually be circulated. Excerpts of the film appeared in the 1984 video, Hidden Crimes, but it was only after Hans' death that we eventually got to see the film..."

• "This Wednesday! In May our monthly vegan supper club features Easter European-inspired dishes. All plant-based, and all homemade. RSVP, BYOP, don't trash the green plates..."

• "Instead of being a fat slob again this year, why not adopt a Turkey!"

• "VEGAN Mailing List, VEGAN Resource Library, VEGAN Online Magazine, and the Mentoring Program were created to help those interested in vegan living and to provide information about the vegan lifestyle. VEGAN stands for more than just a vegan diet! To us, VEGAN stands for..."

• " innovative iPhone app that scans ingredient labels on food products and automatically determines the vegetarian statuses of food additives contained within the product."

• "If we want to bring about a substantial change for the benefit of animals, we have to tackle the root of the problem, not the consequences. For this reason, our activities concentrate on spreading the message that animals deserve respect and on challenging speciesism, the discrimination that countless individuals suffer..."

• "If you are vegan or aspiring the vegan lifestyle than you should join Vegan Force. Expand your vegan network!"

• "...Campaign Updates, Most Popular Features, Action Alerts..."

• "I've been vegan for a number of years. I've had this website for three year mainly have written in my blog. You can check out what I write about daily on my Vegan Momma blog. On the main website I'll be focusing on articles that deal with veganism, steps that might help..."

• "Please help STOP the trapping of animals with INHUMANE trapping methods!"

• "...the issues are that vegans in milwaukee don't network enough--if they want to be networking--and vegans in milwaukee don't seem to know enough about the resources available throughout the city."

• "[Unavailable]"

• "Information about being a vegetarian, including recipes and newsletter..."

• "Animal Liberation. Vegan ALQ Volunteer The Simpsons Speak to me, I've got nothing else going on. Why Love One, and Eat Another? Go Veg!"

• "Hey, my name is Tracy. I became vegan in May of 2008 after I made a drunken bet with my then-boyfriend that being vegan was easy. My 'last meal' was a large plate of greasy nachos from a bar that I threw up all over his parent's house that night."

• "Vegan and vegetarian tips, recipes, support and more!"

• "Vegan farming can help to overcome world hunger. Choose vegan food and farming - help protect our fertile lands and fresh water reserves, and cut greenhouse gas emissions. The Vegan Society are taking the message to food producers, decision makers and international development groups."

• "Visit these sites for ways to help lighten our footprints and preserve the planet for all creatures...."

• "Veganarchism then recognizes that all sentient creatures borninto this world have the right to have their interests, in living a goodlife free from exploitation, considered by human beings. We are all inhabitantstogether on this planet and we all deserve a fair chance at living alife where suffering and needless death are reduced to a minimum."

• "After countless hours and a full crew's blood, sweat and tears, we are proud to present a high-quality product full of militant direct action fun! Every page of the 'Free the Animals Organizer' is completely unique and brings memories of past actions into your daily life."

• "LOBSA links to various web pages that may be useful to those who want to learn more about going vegan; however, I do not necessarily agree with or support all of the positions and activities of the organizations or individuals behind these web pages."

• "I started this blog on a whim, an artistical outlet to keep me sane. Its blossomed into much more - an opportunity to express myself, and share some of my knowledge. Its vulgar, often vile, offensive and downright bothersome."

• "Our focus is on promoting buying handmade items, supporting vegans and vegan education. To find items by our Team, search 'veganetsy team'. Please see our team marketplace for a preview of our members' shops...."

• "...a cooking and entertainment TV show, currently on public access television. Our show and web site are intended as an entertaining vehicle to demonstrate methods for the pursuit of the physical, psychological, and social benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle."

• " gather & share information relating to the humane and compassionate treatment of all animals. Whether a dog, cat, horse, bird, farm or wild animal, it's incomprehensible for us to do nothing while they are abused and tortured for the sake of money, research or entertainment. It is our obligation to help them."

• "A vegan lifestyle has many health and environmental benefits, but i'm neither a nutritionist nor am I an environmental expert. I'm just a vegan foodie who loves to cook and eat delicious vegan food."

• "Humorous webcomic about a vegan emo vampire, created by Xeno..."

• "This is an informative website,providing details about animal rights issues,how to contact the group,a forum,a calendar of events,links to other websites,ways to help animals,animals needing homes."

• "The 5th annual World Go Vegan Week is taking place this year from October 24th through 31st. This week is a celebration of compassion and a time to take action for animals, the environment and everyone's well-being. A plant-based diet not only improves your health, it significantly reduces your carbon footprint..."

• "All photos are copyrighted. Duplication of these photos with or without Asian Vegan logo are not authorized without the written permission from Asian Vegan or its owners."

• "Essentials for vegans. And no, this list will not include vegan substitutions and faux meats, etcetera. Those should really only be occasional treats (in this economy? Seriously)."

• "The way a person can claim that it is wrong to eat meat is by comparing it to cannibalism. That is, since it is immoral to eat human beings, it is in the same manner immoral to eat other animals...."

• "...the course on Animal Rights and the Law that Francione and Charlton have taught at Rutgers University School of Law for over a decade."

• "Reasons to go vegetarian: Your meals will taste delicious. You will save your heart. You will live longer. Reduce your risk of cancer. You'll help reduce famine. You will help reduce waste and air pollution...."

• "The government has promised six months of consultation before bringing a bill to resolve the dispute over whether to ban hunting with hounds...."

• "...there are so many reasons to be a vegetarian..."

• "Henry Salt's words, first written over a century ago, shall now flourish again...."

• "...a general practitioner specializing in clinical nutrition and was a founding member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine."

• "...The question is not, can they reason?, nor, can they talk?, but can they suffer? --Jeremy Bentham..."

• "...the collaboratively written encyclopaedia of utilitarianism."

• "Let's look for systemic solutions, not see individuals or humans in general as the problem...."

• "...your partner in creating and managing effective petitions."

• " encourage dialogue between the libertarian right with their critique of centralized government and the libertarian left with their critique of monopoly capitalism..."

• "The financial meltdown is real, and urgent measures need to be adopted. But that is no reason to lose ourt heads and deliver the public interest, once again, to the criminals who created the crisis. Let other voices be heard besides the insiders and their tired nostrums. What have we got to lose?"

• "...big brother is watching you..."

• "Now more than ever such a forward thinking outlet is needed for those of us who can imagine a world of peace, justice, equality, and sustainability. Idealists are often criticized for being unrealistic, too far ahead of their time...."

• "[Unavailable]"

• "Youth Organizing Communities (YOC) recognizes that any significant challenge to the existing social order can be advanced by the youth who are subject to its deepest socioeconomic and cultural contradictions..."

• "Through your rage, rallys, actions, phonebanking, doorknocking and leafletting -- we managed to get 2,478,824 votes which is 38% of the electorate!"

• "...a new concept to aid creative talent in the music industry. It also brings the music fan a new source of interesting, well-written, well-photographed and less cynical and hyped information on the music world."

• "On this site, you'll find resources for the next wave of community radio stations and hopeful applicants: documents about station building, community radio news, and ways to connect to others in the Radio for People coalition."

• "...I thought we, as in the US, didn't negotiate with terrorists..."

• "Is your blog blocked in India, Pakistan, Iran or China? If Yes then you can still access your blog anytime using pkblogs free Blog Gateway."

• "Law Student. Democratic Campaign Veteran. Former Teacher. Patriot."

• "...launched in 2001 and provided a forum for creativity, activism and self-discovery. The editorial content consisted of progressive politics, reviews on the arts, articles on health and spirituality, lifestyle options and humor..."

• " a wide range of well-selected information on social policy (health care, pensions provision, family policy, state welfare), labour market policy and industrial relations in 15 OECD-countries: Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy..."

• "Of, By and For the Few..."

• "Over 3000 Links to Anti-Bush Sites, Progressive Sites, U.S. Coup in Haiti, Gov. 'Gropenator', Voting Machine Fraud, Weblogs, News, Activist Tools, Campus Activism, & Yahoo! Message Boards..."

• "...Civil Liberties, Economy, Education, Foreign Policy, Health Policy, Judicial Nominations, Social Security..."

• "[Unavailable]"

• "...the 'underground' liberal newspaper of Atlanta dating from the 1960s. Most of our regular columnists maintain their own homepages and archived articles; they are linked directly from here."

• "We help organize political debates in ways that will generate solutions that satisfy all the competing interests."

• "...dedicated to solving global challenges where international security, energy and the environment come together. We see that today's great global challenges are linked, and we strive to find overarching solutions."

• "...believes that all parents, grandparents, educators and other concerned citizens have a right to be heard about the proposal to dismantle Head Start."

• "...puts policy making power in your hands, giving you the same tools used by professional lobbyists, and connecting you to organizations in your state..."

• "Esso doesn't give a damn about global warming. It's doing more than any oil company to sabotage international action on global warming. Thousands of people boycott Esso. Here's why."

• "Sinclair executives have also demonstrated their political leanings with their wallets: Sinclair vice president Frederick G. Smith has donated more than $200,000 to Republican candidates and organizations during the 2000, 2002, and 2004 election cycles...."

• "...a website published by liberal progressive voters on Bainbridge. We are advocates for environmental conservation, citizen participation in decision making, preservation of traditional Bainbridge community values, and opposition to sprawl."

• "...a network of ordinary rank-and-file citizens who work their advocacy from the base of the political pyramid. Grassroots efforts are defined by attitude and dedication rather than positions of leadership..."

• "...allows high school students across the country to connect with other students and citizens who are knowledgable in the field of student rights and get help in matters related to school and societies."

• "Mainstream media outlets would have you believe that there is no strength in cohesive communities, that it is okay to disrespect the land you live on and the people and other animals who live there, and that resistance to dominant culture and political decisions don't exist in Boston."

• "...designed to enable the ordinary person to have a voice - the problem with ordinary petitions is that their reach is limited by the media they use."

• "...the go-to site for nonprofit organizations to connect with each other and to share the nuts-and-bolts of operating not-for-profit organizations."

• "The Point at Which You Veer Off Course (TM)"

• "Articles are archived here and in the following categories: Culture of Peace, News, Peace Movement observations, Wars & Militarism and the War in Iraq..."

• "...a collective network of all our particular struggles and resistance's."

• "Your guide to upcoming protests, meetings and other events. These are posted by a variety of local movements and groups. Feel free to add your event!"

• "It is imperative to have socially progressive women and men fighting on all fronts of the movement whether that is anti-racist work, feminism, anti-heterosexism, economic justice or any other political action...."

• "The UK's Radical Cyberspace..."

• "To serve as a clearing house for the gathering and dissemination of information regarding child sexual abuse, including resources to help victims locate support for their transition from victim to survivor."

• "Strengthening families through education and support..."

• " support and educate families by communicating the value of children. Prevent Child Abuse Wyoming will also influence community standards and policymakers to support the families in Wyoming with their decisions and bills."

• "Thank you so much for caring about Minnesota's children...."

• "I pride myself on having extensive knowledge of many things - and sex happens to be one of my most passionate endeavors in the land of learning...."

• "...a simple project between three people in a polyamorous relationship: document the ups and downs, the triumphs and tribulations, and give an insight into everyday life in a non-monogamous relationship."

• "This is an Australian Alternative Polyamorous Community. Honest Communication is the key to making polyamory work, and this is a community of alternative spiritually aware poly people...."

• "This site contains information and explicit discussion regarding selected topics of alternative sexuality. If there is even the remote possibility that the contents of this site might offend your sensibilities, we exhort you to go no further...."

• "...non-monogamy means having the freedom to be sexually and/or emotionally involved with more than one person. When we say 'ethical' non-monogamy, we mean any type of non-monogamous relationship practiced HONESTLY..."

• "So, what the heck does Polyamory mean? Well, I can give you the proper Latin meaning.....Poly = Many / Amory = Love...."

• "[Unavailable]"

• "Polyfidelity (group marriage) and polyamory (open relationships) are names for some of the newer, fairer, more honest and more ethical non-monogamous relationships. Women are a major driving force in these new alternative lifestyles..."

• "...the literal being 'Many Loves', is the basis for our little site here. Now if you're looking for casual sexual acquaintances, this probably isn't the resource you need."

• "...a mailing list for women in open relationships. Women from all walks of life are members of the list, with the common thread being our polyamorous lifestyle."

• "The primary focus of this site is to provide links to groups and informational resources that promote polyfidelitous relationship models that are family orientated and child-friendly...."

• "Investigate the possibilities of a polyamorous (more than one love) lifestyle. Ask us how you can make more love in your life, relate from your highest self with your lovers and housemates, uplevel jealousy into compersion (joy at your lovers' joy)..."

• "I'm Suzie, AKA PolyaMarie. I am polyamorous (that means that I love more than one person at a time), bisexual (that means I fall in love with women too), childfree by choice (though I'm sure your kids are charming), and a BDSM collared submissive..."

• "Polyamorous, that is? Polys believe we can deeply, richly and ethically love two or more partners at once with knowledge and consent of all. Group marriage, Open Couples and Intimate Networks..."

• "Polyamory, Links, Bisexual, Bi-Women's Corner..."

• "...a 'zine for polyamorous people based in the UK, containing articles, reviews, humour, advice, and useful information. It will be published quarterly as a PDF file that can be downloaded and printed; the first issue is already out..."

• "The First International Polyamorous and Bisexual Multilingual Website......the colours of your love..."

• "I'm Cat, creator of this site. Sometimes it makes me feel a little like Dr. Frankenstein. I'm a polyamorous bisexual, as well as an internet addict. I don't think I'm way too wild, but most of the people that know me do, hence the name...."

• "...not have a formal platform forming an ideological map for it's members. Instead we have gathered around the common goal of ending the cannabis prohibition and all that follows from this concept."

• "[Unavailable]"

• "The use of marijuana is as old as the history of man and dates to the prehistoric period. Marijuana is closely connected with the history and development of some of the oldest nations on earth...."

• "Aloha and welcome to the Church devoted to the religion of higher consciousness...."

• "...intended to be an interactive, multi-media, web-driven source of information and tool for outreach."

• "You can expect to see us at the state legislature (Pierre SD, Jan-Feb 2004) with another cannabis bill of some sort...."

• "This music festival is a law reform event sponsored to democratically adjust the prohibition of cannabis hemp at the local level, while offering a music festival and vendor fair!"

• "Join us for some fun in the sun at the beach while we learn the truth..."

• "...a Canadian federal political party which promotes legalization of cannabis and proportional representation at the House of Commons."

• "...founded in 2003 as a gathering of 500 people on the original Washington state capitol campus in downtown Olympia and has grown into one of the major Olympia events..."

• "Labor Blog: Movements begin with the telling of untold stories."

• "Organized labor, like many other organizations, was created out of a need for working people whereby, all crafts could meet and be represented as a whole, with the objectives of concentrating and exercising their efforts for their mutual benefit with the knowledge of 'an injury to one is an injury to all'."

• "...for members, families, friends, and leading business services..."

• "The social network for trade unionists - a LabourStart project...."

• "Unions are all about workers joining together to improve their jobs. The U.S. Government gives workers the right to form or join a labor union of their choosing in order to improve their working conditions. Each year, hundreds of thousands of workers successfully organize a union where they work...."

• "...a free online publication providing news and commentary about - and of importance to - Chicago-area unions and their members. So why are we here, and why now?"

• "...Jobs, Union Advantage, Union Links, Union Made Merchandise, News by Union, Help the Union Members, Reaching Out..."

• "Find contact information for all Labor Union Headquarters, and browse for Local Unions (alphabetically by city) using the links located at the bottom of every page. Also, stay informed with important local union news...."

• "...formed by members of unions within the Washington State Labor Council to inform listeners of labor issues and news that often are not available through the mainstream media. Paramount to our mission is providing working families with information they need in their daily lives..."

• "We manage a database of over 15,000 union organizations across the United States. In doing so, we serve as the perfect advertising and communication platform for unions, businesses looking to utilize the vast union member demographics, and the political arena vying for the working peoples support...."

• "We were nervous and we didn't know we could do it. Those machines had kept going as long as we could remember. When we finally pulled the switch and there was some quiet, I finally remembered something...that I was a human being, that I could stop those machines, that I was Better Than those Machines anytime."

• "No part of the United States claims a labor heritage or a civil rights history quite like the Pacific Northwest. Labor and civil rights movements have been central to the region's history and remain a powerful force in contemporary society and politics..."

• "The unmatched and comprehensive online meeting hall for Nevada workers since 1995..."

• "With over 62,000 paid subscribers, the Labor Tribune is the country's top weekly labor newspaper...."

• "This presentation resulted from a collaborative campus-wide project in early 1999 at the University of Washington to commemorate the eightieth anniversary of the Seattle General Strike of 1919 and the 65th anniversary of the Maritime Strikes of 1934...."

• " has published more than 500 news stories on Organized Labor since first introducing ourselves to the Western New York Labor Community in April 2008 - including a variety of positive stories that you just can't find anywhere else in the mainstream and local media..."

• " independent progressive blog providing a platform for open debate about centre-left issues and the future of the Labour movement. It also acts as a hub to showcase the best centre-left blogging."

• "...e-active, E-Activist, food supply, free trade, Global Health, immigration, Labor, Mexico, MSM, nafta, New York, NYCCLC, organizing..."

• " provide an online venue to share labor related news and opinions. The primary goal includes creating a forum for both rank-and-file and non-union workers where they can openly speak out about their work, struggles, and ideas in an effort to build a stronger union movement."

• "Community Organizing in The New Prog Era..."

• "Organize - which is to say - learn how to get things done together that we can't get done alone.That's all a union was meant to be."

• "An Internet Resource for the Busy Union Activist..."

• "...a clearing center for information of interest to people working in television, film, print/electronic media, and theater. A chance for AEA, AFTRA, IATSE, IBEW, CWA-NABET, DGA, SAG, Newspaper Guild, WGA, and non-represented entertainment industry workers to share information..."

• "...LaborBLOG, CACOSH, Search this Site, Chat room, SMW73, SMWIA, CFL, AFL-CIO..."

• "AFL-CIO National News Press Clips..."

• "Charles is now bringing that story and all his knowledge into your home or workplace every week day..."

• " give unions big and small the ability to create a network of websites that can share content, are pre-configured to serve the specific online communication needs of labor unions, and can provide the opportunity to build identity and marketshare."

• "...the only independent, union-friendly magazine to win major international awards. Workplace unions are your best hope for better, safer work - and Hazards provides the information and resources to make the union job easier."

• "...provides legal services primarily to unions, individuals and jointly administered trusts in the areas of labor relations law, employment law and the law of employee benefits."

• "Richmond, Giant, Berkeley, Emeryville, West-Oakland, Parr Terminal, East Oakland, South-Oakland, Fruitvale, Melrose, Alameda, San Leandro, Elmhurst, Stonehurst..."

• "...ideas and resources for the global labor movement..."

• "Since it began publishing in 1976, it has carried many important articles in the field of working-class history, industrial sociology, labour economics, and labour relations...."

• "...a school for working people like yourself. It's a place to come together and learn about the political, economic social and cultural forces shaping our lives."

• "We are a group of public transport workers who are deeply dissatisfied with the actions (or the lack thereof) of our unions and our union officials and we intend to do something about it...."

• "If you would like to represent your local with a free website please contact..."

• "The owners have not been willing to give proof that they have taken a financial loss, therefore needing more money back from players. NFL owners are adamant in their desire to reduce the share of league revenue set aside for player salaries by roughly 18 percent ($1 billion) beginning next year...."

• "I'm a trade union activist, Labour Party member and London Councillor. I'm passionate about centre left politics, history & future of labour movement family, trade unions, health & safety, employment rights, pensions, capital stewardship, living wages and public housing...."

• "News and articles from 2000-2008..."

• "...the political director of the California Federation of Teachers and a visiting scholar at the University of California at Berkeley. He is a policy advocate, author, and award-winning historian."

• "Blog van het steuncomité voor de stakende schoonmakers..."

• "Dal 1999 è la webzine che, insieme alla sua CreW, mobilita e facilita l'autorganizzazione di precari e precari della Penisola...."

• " international movement that brings together academics, artists, activists, students, and others who are interested in the history, experiences, stories, and politics of the working class."

• "We're currently involved in industrial action with Air New Zealand for better work and pay conditions..."

• " initiative of the Labor Council of NSW. It was established in response to the ongoing statistical evidence showing a high incidence of accidents involving young people at work."

• "IT'S YOUR RIGHT to form a union and bargain for increased wages, improved benefits, better working conditions, security and protection...."

• " Develop a Global Union Directory which will provide the necessary information for people (particularly those in unorganised or atypical work) to identify and join an appropriate union..."

• "An online rail labor community..."

• "Let us open up the world of labour for you. This is the most extensive labour link site on the web today. We're your guide to labour's changing world...."

• "The economic crisis threatens the jobs and futures of people everywhere...."

• "From the point of view of those of us who do the work..."

• "...a growing community of people who want to discuss, share ideas and exchange information and stories about work..."

• "... to promote debate within the trade union movement, provide a platform for union stories and act as a counter-balance to the mainstream media's coverage of workplace issues."

• "... to create media that puts people over profits and empowers citizens to become journalists in their own right."

• "This site is about all aspects of Workers control of industry. If you think how your workplace is managed is crap join the Discussion Forum."

• "...the latest development in a long-term communications partnership between the Labor Education Service, University of Minnesota, and the working people of the state and their labor organizations."

• "The realities of work and new forms of web-based communication technology..."

• "...from the TUC, is here to help today's working people get the best out of the world of work."

• "... a multi-country database of key labour market indicators. Its aim is to provide the user with the most up-to-date information on labour market conditions in countries across the globe."

• "...a top-rated law firm devoted to protecting and enforcing the rights and interests of labor organizations and employees in both the public and private sectors...."

• "Death in the American Workplace..."

• "Maybe we can quit that second job to be at more school concerts and basketball games. And maybe we can create a new American Dream to ensure our kids never have to face the same struggles we did."

• "He has been a professional organizer for over thirty-five years. He has worked for and founded a series of organizations dedicated to winning social justice, workers rights, and a democracy where 'the people shall rule...'"

• "Wat doet de vakbeweging om jongeren, minderheden en flexwerkers te organiseren? Hoe biedt ze het hoofd aan de globalisering? Wat doet ze op lokaal niveau? Hoe plaatst ze sociale rechtvaardigheid op de maatschappelijke agenda?"

• "... dedicated to restoring and revitalizing the quality of life for workers, their families and communities..."

• " make available an online resource for NSW teachers that provides an insight into both the historical and contemporary role of unions in Australia."

• "Union Membership and Coverage Database from the CPS..."

• " system and communication tool built specifically for union organizations! Maintain all the content for your union website, make changes as frequently as you need, no HTML/Web Design knowledge or programs needed."

• " provide collective union members with the best possible savings on a huge array of consumable items."

• "This site is designed to make your job easier, whether you are a workplace safety rep, a union official or a trade union educator...."

• "A Resource for Working Families..."

• "We can't rely on Wall Street or the big-money crowd...."

• "If you're a union rep, and would like to get involved, you can register..."

• "What is the trade union movement doing to organise young, minority and flex workers? How does it cope with globlisation? What are its activities at the local level? How does it put social justice on the agenda?"

• "I'm a construction union organizer. I help workers succeed in the electrical construction industry by connecting skilled professionals with productive contractors...."

• "Are you a union organizer or membership developer in the construction industry? Then you're in the right place!"

• "Resources For Unions..."

• "...we buy Union, because we ARE Union, and proud of it!"

• "For the Best-Trained, Highest-Skilled Workforce Available Anywhere....Union Millwrights ......The Trade Of All Trades .... GUARANTEED!"

• " to help unions spread the lifelong learning message to even more members."

• "...our central site for posting the open staffing and trades positions in unions and allied organizations that are now accepting applications."

• "The only way working people in America will obtain a decent standard of living is to unite together into unions...."

• "... aggregates rss feeds from Canadian Union and Labour blogs. By subscribing to one or more of our feeds, you can monitor all (or some) of the blogs aggregated here. This is much easier than finding and monitoring a lot of blogs yourself."

• "...union staff members (web people, press officers, journalists, organisers and campaign officers) who meet every year to share knowledge and experience on using communications to strengthen our organisations."

• "Publishers of communications and educational tools for today's union leaders..."

• "This site is designed for workers who feel the need to do something about conditions at work...."

• "This is an informal blog by TUC staff about policy issues that are in the news, or ought to be...."

• "In each entry, Paula focuses on legal and political information relevant to employee rights and fairness issues in the workplace...."

• "...gathers best-practice information about organizations, projects and campaigns mobilizing and researching contingent and migrant labor."

• "Free, adaptable tools for grassroots education and organizing..."

• "We will report on the activities and views of DSA and Young Democratic Socialists of America labor activists. We seek to be a place for a broad range of labor activists to discuss ideas for the renewal and strengthening of the labor movement...."

• "All they want is to re-start the silent machines. But this simple act - The Take - has the power to turn the globalization debate on its head...."

• " support union efforts to meet the organising challenge and organise the next generation of union members and activists."

• "Helping workers to know better what they already know and the conversion of this new knowledge and political consciousness into collective action are fundamental to building solidarity and working class power...."

• "...labour web sites, the entire web..."

• "Where Information is Ammunition and Workers Fight to Win..."

• "... support the efforts to save the UTU from those who would deny the rights of our members to a fully-informed vote..."

• "Because only through union solidarity can all workers be sure of safe working conditions, honest wages, benefits and protections. Because for over 75 years the names and images you have looked up to on the big screen and on television have been proud SAG members...."

• "... a Voice for Canadian Railway Labour ..."

• "Good work experience can be a real benefit to people starting out in their careers. Many employers want to treat interns fairly, but others provide no real training or are just looking for cheap labour...."

• " designed to provide help to U.S. Workers in their efforts at organizing themselves and their co-workers into labor unions. It is also a resource for Union Leaders to assist in their operations, organizing, and bargaining efforts."

• "Better wages, achieved through collective bargaining, job security, protection from 'At Will' terminations, hours of work and shifts..."

• "... was developed and will continue to be updated based on information that you, the railroad worker, wants and needs."

• "Issues we explore include (but are not limited to): the global economy's impact on work and labor; new union organizing and political strategies; labor's new constituencies and their relationship to organized labor's traditional institutions..."

• "...a computer program designed to manage the complex task of tracking union picket line participation."

• "... created in 1976 providing education, research, and training opportunities to labor, management, government, and academe."

• " educational resource for working people in the Olympia Washington area."

• "Info, Advice, Support... Speaking Up Together."

• "... delivers news, views and information about organized labor, focusing on issues that impact union members in the Pacific Northwest."

• " provide straightforward information to help answer your questions about labor rights and issues in North Carolina."

• "Fighting sweatshop bosses, all around the world."

• "Learn the truth about how and why companies hire union busters and engage in union busting tactics in an effort to destroy union organizing campaigns...."

• " international group which promotes global unionism through the creative application of organizing, workplace democracy, and internationalist principles."

• "Published three times a year, New Labor Forum provides a place for labor and its allies to test new ideas and debate old ones."

• "Be One in a Million: Sign the Petition to Build America..."

• "Here you will meet a wide range of university faculty, graduate students, labour unionists, worker educators and literacy activists...."

• " der Treffpunkt der gewerkschaftlichen Linken mit und ohne Job im weitesten Sinne. Wir sind Teil jener weltweiten Labournet-Initiativen..."

• "We are in the forefront of using the resources of the internet to provide communications, news and information for the labour movement..."

• "Labour News, Trade Union News, Political news, features and opinion..."

• "Where trade unionists start their day on the net."

• "...bring technology to serve the labor movement..."

• "Global online communication since 1991 for a democratic, independent labor movement..."

• ",,, AFL-CIO, OCAW International..."

• "... designed to provide help to U.S. Workers in their efforts at organizing themselves and their co-workers into labor unions."

• "Welcome to the blog for"

• "Labor unions have benefited greatly from the communications capabilities provided by the Internet: thousands of sites overflow with a wealth of information regarding news, issues and policies of labor unions both regional and global...."

• " encourage everyone to write articles good and bad of what they think, observe or experiences they have had with labor unions."

• "...put the movement back in the labor movement..."

• "The International Labor Rights Forum, STITCH, SweatFree Communities and U.S. Labor Education in the Americas Project work together in a collaborative space for international labor rights solidarity...."

• "... the most comprehensive bibliography of information, documents and links of U.S. labor history sites on the internet."

• " to preserve and promote knowledge of the cultural heritage of the American worker..."

• "...Seek Out the Truth and Have the Courage to Defend It..."

• "...the only educational program in the state specifically focused on the needs of Minnesota workers and their organizations."

• "My House of Labor Posts..."

• "An independent rank-and-file labor forum...."

• " for research and teaching on the world of work and its implications for society."

• "The labor question -- who will do the work and under what economic and political terms? -- beckons today with renewed global urgency...."

• "...a center for regional, national, and international movement-building..."

• "Pro-union, Pro-Labor Party, Against wars of intervention and occupation such as Iraq and Afghanistan..."

• "Changes in the workplace are dramatically impacting the lives of working people and challenging the collective abilities of workers to resist. There is a growing need for sophisticated information and analysis by academics and trade unionists...."

• "The owners of this country want you to keep watching American Idol while they steal our American dream. Open your eyes!"

• "...our goal is to build a strong, progressive labor movement that works in coalition with community, faith, and student organizations to build a broader global movement for economic and social justice."

• "Benefits of Unions, Your Right to Organize, How to Form a Union, Union Contracts and Bargaining, Union History, Questions About Unions, Workers' Rights..."

• "Particular strengths of the collection are labor history, labor and culture, labor and the arts, labor relations, organization studies, international labor issues, trade unionism and collective bargaining."

• "The STUC is Scotland's Trade Union centre. Our purpose is to co-ordinate, develop and articulate the views and policies of the trade union movement in Scotland..."

• " share information and discuss issues relevant to the work of the trade union activists and officials from across the international labour movement."

• "How our global economy undervalues work and working people..."

• "Globalization and Its Impact On Working Men and Women..."

• "...dedicated to establishing evidence-based work hour scheduling for resident physicians that optimizes the quality of patient care, resident education, and safety."

• "Up-to-date information about what OPSEU is doing on the environmental front..."

• "...from the trade union health and safety magazine Hazards magazine and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), addresses the real life health and safety issues that must be an integral part of discussions on the development of a green economy."

• "...exploring international labor standards and rights in the global economy."

• "...a platform for trade unionists and researchers dealing with the challenges of globalization from a labour perspective."

• "Fighting back makes a difference..."

• "Human Resource Management, Negotiation, Labor Relations..."

• "...dedicated to publicize our work and to educate the public about the plight of the agricultural workers. More importantly, this website is to recognize the dignity of the contributions made by the men, women and children who work very hard to feed us."

• "Your Dynamic Voice for Solidarity..."

• "Its aim is to collect, analyse and disseminate high-quality and up-to-date information on key developments in industrial relations in Europe...."

• "... one of the world's leading experts on trade unions and the Internet...."

• " the struggle for union, labor, and human rights for workers worldwide."

• "Working people need more workplace health and safety resources; not just fact sheets and health and safety manuals and Material Safety Data Sheets...."

• "Connecting advocates with activists and ideas with direct action..."

• "Idle pens are not mightier than swords..."

• "I'm a proud member of a construction union. I work on a dredge most recently deepening the Port of Oakland...."

• "This is a forum for FedEx employee's to communicate and educate each other, on the importance of becoming a Union company. This forum is open to any FedEx employee who is interested in working towards a secure future and for our Unionized brothers and sisters..."

• "...hopes to be a place for those Catholics, lay, religious and clergy, who are active in their churches and in unions to learn about their Church's teachings as regards to labor issues..."

• "... to put art to work for labor unions & non-profit organizations. We do labor cartoons because humor is a powerful organizing tool...."

• "Here you will find information about the committee, including the Eugene A. Forsey Prize, our publications, Labour/Le Travail, our annual workshop, and the Working Histories labour and working-class history portal."

• "Ethical employers should not have to face competitors who violate laws and basic decency. This site seeks to have all work honor justice and respect the laborer and employer."

• "... we have delighted in presenting you with local, national and internationally relevent reporting on labor and community issues through the medium of WBAI Radio, originating from the studios of WBAI-Pacifica in New York City."

• "...a public database developed by the NSW Labor movement making available basic information on companies, their directors and shareholders, their inter-relationships and key indicators such as labour relations and environmental standards."

• "Reflections on the US labor movement and the struggle for union democracy. By the founder of the Association for Union Democracy, Herman Benson."

• " online gateway for researchers and scholars of labour history, designed to link together historical detail, archival resources, published material and current information about Australian industrial organisations, mainly including trade unions and also employer bodies."

• "We are committed to defending trade union rights and human rights in general, and the right of workers to control decisions affecting their lives at work and in society. We oppose all forms of exploitation and oppression...."

• "Based in Pittsburgh, PA, Anne Feeney is the granddaughter of an intrepid mineworkers' organizer, who also used music to carry the message of solidarity to working people. After two decades of community activism and regional performances at rallies, Anne took her message on the road...."

• "Let's keep our jobs home, lets pressure retailers to sell more products Made in the USA, lets ask companies to quit outsourcing support jobs overseas, and lets watch over our school systems to ensure we are turning out the next great generation."

• "...responds to a reactionary trend among factions of the USA to provoke a militarized framework for relations between American workers along the USA border with Mexico."

• "... has informed the American public about the struggle to win workplace democracy for nurses, cooks, computer programmers, retail cashiers, and a variety of workers who we all depend on every day."

• "AFSCME's 1.6 million members provide the vital services that make America happen...."

• "Young union workers and activists are the men and women who are 'Next Up' to lead the nation's labor movement..."

• "Aviation Industry - Regulation, Law, and News, Aviation Industry - Information and Statistics, RLA / NMB and Union Organizing Information, Veterans' Employment Rights and USERRA..."

• ""

• "You are like many people. You used cannabis 30 or 40 years ago...and you just thought it would be interesting to find out what the pot culture is like today, what does it even taste like anymore? And of course there is the cult show 'Weeds' which gets us all to thinking..."

• "Smoke. Share. Smile."

• "If you have any questions about mushrooms, or growing mushrooms, chances are your questions have been asked. Read through these topics, and you will gain much mushroom knowledge...."

• " provide a way for patients in need of medicinal marijuana treatment to locate and schedule an appointment with a qualified, licensed physician in their area, for the purpose of obtaining a Letter of Recommendation."

• "...provides resources for parents, educators and students who are interested in reality-based approaches to drug education that stress the health, safety and well-being of young people."

• "...constantly searching for shamanic cultures and traditions, doing our small part to preserve and to promote the sacred knowledge that has been demonized by modern Western society..."

• "This website is run by advocates of drug policy reform and intended for advocates of drug policy reform...."

• "Become a Cannabis Connisure..."

• "...the medical marijuana industry's premier print magazine and online destination."

• "...a news site covering all aspects of the medical marijuana industry, from dispensaries, vendors and suppliers to legal developments, financial issues and regulatory updates. We focus solely on business news - not advocacy efforts or the cannabis culture."

• "...a selection of ideas collected by medical cannabis patients for all patients. Our publications will inform those in the community that seek an honest, credible, and reliable source of information on alternatives to contemporary pharmacology."

• "This site does not endorse or condemn illegal activities. Our site is in support of Legalizing Marijauna for medical reasons...."

• "...your National Directory for Medical Marijuana and Medical Cannabis Solutions."

• " open source multi-media forum of progressive thinking and innovative action in regards to the subject of Cannabis legalization."

• "...the POT platform of our people, for our people, by our people. We are on a mission to gather an unbiased survey of people's true feelings on marijuana - and to let the people vote in true democratic style."

• " provide patients, caregivers, and doctors with the information they need to safely and legally obtain and use medical marijuana. We strive to keep our users with the most up to date information..."

• "...Legal Marijuana Dispensary and Cannabis Clubs..."

• "Hemp Magazines..."

• "Vote or Get Off The Pot!"

• "Coca has been, ancestrally, a sacred leaf. We, the indigenous, have had a profound respect toward it...a respect that includes that we don't 'pisar' it (the verb 'pisar' means to treat the leaves with a chemical substance, one of the first steps in the production of cocaine)."

• "What if Cannabis Cured Cancer summarizes the remarkable research findings of recent years about the cancer-protective effects of novel compounds in marijuana...."

• "Driven by the Drug War, the U.S. prison population is six to ten times as high as most Western European nations...."

• "Is distilling hard to do? Nope - if you can follow instructions enough to bake scones, then you can sucessfully distil. To distil well however, will require you to understand what you're doing..."

• "...a one-day conference in the Bay Area all about ABSINTHE..."

• "Taking mushroom growing to the next level. Agar, bulk growing, outdoor patches and more!"

• "...a non-commercial knowledge aggregator for Colorado-related media articles about Medical Marijuana. The site began operation on 11/30/2009."

• "A goal of ending the war on drugs by spreading information, while talking about a few things I enjoy in life...."

• "...Strains, Concentrates, Edibles, Growing, Dispensaries..."

• "The place to discuss opiates in every size, shape, and form. Topics related to specific opiates should be posted in their assigned sub-forums...."

• "Even within the framework of capitalism, legalization is the only acceptable option...."

• "...cannabis caramels, canna bread, cooking with cannabis, cooking with marijuana, cooking with weed, marijuana caramels, pie, recipe, sweets, weed caramels, weed lime pie..."

• "Our mission is to establish a safe and educated cannabis therapy program under Montana Initiative 148..."

• "...the molecular biology of paradise..."

• "...for frank and open discussions on such topics as Opium Poppies and Poppy Cultivation, Dried Poppy Pods and Poppy Seeds, Chronic Pain, Use and Abuse, Legal Issues, Addiction, Recovery and Drug Policy Reform."

• "Sticky Strains of the Day..."

• " of farmers who believe in a sustainable, organic, community oriented way of life. We would like to stimulate the learning and sharing of new and old farming techniques as well as the farmer."

• "...Cannabis Community News..."

• "Where Cal. Marijuana Patients Can Form and Join Collectives..."

• "In the 21st Century, 420 is firmly established as a code amongst tokers, a time of day and even sort of a toker's New Year's Day. It's in our culture now and only time will tell where it ends up."

• "...began with the notion that the sheer number of cannabis strains can be overwhelming. Our rating and review system enables you to keep track of your usage, what you like and dislike..."

• "Appetizers & Snacks, Cakes & Breads, Cookies & Candy, Desserts & Drinks, Entrees & Side Dishes, Sauces & Spreads..."

• "...Marijuana Butter - Marijuana Brownies - Five Great Marijuana Recipes..."

• "Medical Cannabis Infotainment."

• "...the world's first smoking sport!!! It was created to bring the 420 community together through fun and friendly competition."

• "LA JEMM started 4 years ago and has been rockin' ever since...."

• "To decriminalize, tax, and legalize..."

• "...Marijuana Medical Use..."

• "Search Doctors and Dispensaries by City, Zip Code or by Name..."

• "Medical marijuana is an organic medicine that is currently regulated by 15 states in the union for growth, harvest and distribution to patients who reside in those states as a form of medically approved treatment for a wide variety of different ailments."

• "Marijuana Dispensaries, Weed Pics, Weed Forum, Mixtape Torrents, Legalization News, Trade Glass, 420 Dating, Free Weed..."

• "...a medical marijuana show catering to those who may be benefited from the medical use of marijuana."

• "Find a Green Machine near you!"

• "In this myth shattering, information packed documentary, learn from physicians and leading researchers about medicinal cannabis and its demonstrated effects on human health...."

• "Originally created in 2008 as a marijuana podcast hub, Weed Watch has developed into a full scale social networking community for the Cannabis and Counter Culture lifestyle...."

• "This is a blog about the impact of medical marijuana laws on Dispensaries, Patients, & Caregivers in California...."

• "Misticismo Enteogenico, Sostanze psicoattive, Psiconautica, Biblioteca, Antiproibizionismo, Nomadismo Psichico..."

• "...Marijuana Facts, Marijuana Growing, Marijuana Recipes, Uncategorized, Videos..."

• "...a community weed / marijuana recipe website dedicated to satisyfing your craving for snacks while under the influence! Bud butter, weed tea, hash cookies...they're all here..."

• "A recipe resource for meals made with Marijuana Seeds: a cookbook for all your edible Cannabis Seeds needs...."

• "One day shortly after, my son gave me a small supply of dry cannabis and I proceeded to make marijuana cookies, brownies and snacks. Friends and relatives were the taste testers at the time of my cooking marijuana...."

• "Chilled Chat, Entertainment, Parties, Festivals, Gatherings and Travel, Drug Discussion, The Garden..."

• " intimate documentary portrait of the sixties revolutionary group the Brotherhood of Eternal Love--a small band of surfers and hippies that tried to change the world through LSD."

• "...a community engaged in harm reduction -- we do not condone drug use, but we do condone safer drug use if you make the individual decision to do so."

• "All Conditions Benefited by Medical Cannabis..."

• "In 1976, Bruce was hired by High Times Magazine when the magazine was published by Yippie radical Tom Focade (1976-1977) as a contributing editor...."

• "...the web-based information portal dedicated to the endogenous psychedelic entheogens, DMT (dimethyltryptamine), 5-MeO-DMT (5-methoxy-dimethyltryptamine), their animal and plant-analogues, (including ayahuasca, yopo, ebené, and Bufo alvarius toad venom)..."

• "Albert Hofmann (January 11, 1906 - April 29, 2008) was a Swiss scientist best known for having been the first to synthesize, ingest and learn of the psychedelic effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)...."

• "Cacao beans were used by the Aztecs to prepare a hot, frothy beverage with stimulant and restorative properties. Chocolate itself was reserved for warriors, nobility and priests. The Aztecs esteemed its reputed ability to confer wisdom and vitality...."

• "...a quarterly news publication covering California and the West Coast's growing cannabis community."

• "Think of us as an aggregate for funny drug-related content around the interwebs!"

• "Hemp Info, Press Review, Agenda, Medicine, Industry, Build With Hemp, Agriculture, Cultural, Organizations, Link..."

• "You don't have to be a cannabis user or even like cannabis very much to understand the harm prohibition is causing to individuals and the wider society and to want to do something about it...."

• "...Guides, Contact, Links, Bud Shots, Videos, Games, Dispensaries..."

• "...dedicated to being the acknowledged state-wide leader in providing services, advocacy and information to medical marijuana patients, caregivers, health care providers and their community."

• "...the most comprehensive collection of decorated LSD blotter paper in the world."

• "There are a lot of fun things you can do at There is a free psychedelic art gallery containing more than 450 images..."

• "My first direct experience of Cannabis was when I was 16 and a joint was offered to me by physics teacher on a school skiing trip..."

• ", cultivation, entertainment, goods and services, info center, local resources, regional..."

• "...Top 100 Cannabis Sites, Cannabis Growing Guide, Joint Rolling Guide..."

• "...we have an easy step-by-step guide to growing marijuana indoors. Whether you've never grown marijuana before or you just want to improve your crop, this guide is right for you."

• "Though law and tradition have created a scholarly division of labor, historians and other researchers have become increasingly aware of the cultural, social, political, legal, and medical connections among psychoactive substances...."

• "Can You Smell the New Smell?"

• "Written to help break through a very destructive and entrenched deep well of ignorance - responsible for depriving millions of this miraculous, natural medicine."

• "...the Irish-born, Scottish-educated physician who, while working for the British East India Company in the 1830s and '40s, wrote the journal articles that introduced cannabis to Western medicine."

• "...will endeavor to provide timely analysis and pairings of current news stories with videos from various sources, in the interest of better understanding the crucial issues before us - a modern prohibition (the Drug War) and its' effects on people..."

• "The Web's largest list of references to books, articles, audio, video, interviews and translations by and about Terence McKenna (1946-2000)."

• "...una librería especializada que ofrece libros relacionados con la Espiritualidad (chamanismo, enteógenos, religiones, psicología transpersonal, plantas medicinales, cosmología, arte visionario, poesía, enseñanzas y leyendas, hadas, astrología o cultivo ecológico, así como varios discos de música."

• "...mutated from small-town rock'n'roll fanatic and teenage disc jockey to cultural revolutionary, pioneer of marijuana activism, radical leader and political prisoner by the end of the 1960s."

• "Here at CULTURE, our mission is to inform and entertain readers with the latest news and lifestyle trends of Southern California's medical cannabis culture...."

• "Vous avez envie de mieux connaître le CIRC-Paris, vous avez envie de participer à son combat, nous vous attendons le premier vendredi de chaque mois lors des réunions publiques."

• "Marijuana & Hemp Issues, Medicinal Marijuana Clinic, Cannabis Café, Cannabis Cultivation Nursery, Cannaversity..."

• "Hemp is Earth's number-one biomass resource; it is capable of producing 10 tons per acre in four months."

• "After London, Rome and of course the major cities in the US, it was time for the Dutch premiere in Amsterdam...."

• "Welcome all new MJ TV'ers...."

• "Psychedelic newspaper and outlaw website."

• "On May 10th, 2010 the Canadian Minister of Justice, Rob Nicholson, extradited Marc Emery to the USA for an expected five-year prison term for selling marijuana seeds over the Internet and funding marijuana legalization efforts worldwide."

• "On June 19, 2000, Roger received a license to perform marriages in the State of Hawai'i, becoming the nation's first licensed Cannabis Sacrament Minister..."

• "This was gonna be a sports blog...and then I got high."

• "The Tree Of Life Unites Us All..."

• "There's a big pot of butter brewing on the counter, only 6 more hours before I can strain it and bake it!"

• "...Legal Highs Reviews..."

• "Colorado, California, Alaska, Hawaii, Maine, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington..."

• "...created in an attempt to get the public involved with the legalization of Marijuana. This site posts the most relevant Marijuana legalization stories available on the Internet."

• "Nearly one million people are in jail in the United States for non-violent involving marijuana."

• "Eesti kanepiteemaline foorum..."

• "...realize that the only reason marijuana is illegal is an embedded establishment built on the monetary benefits (for the prison system/guards in America) of incarceration..."

• "To us, Reefer is as much a lifestyle as it is a substance, as much about personal choice as it is about getting high...."

• "...we like to provide non-biased and educational information on why the drug war hais failed, and how cannabis re-legalization will help provide this better way of life."

• "Treating people who use drugs as criminals has had serious impacts on civil liberties and diverted attention from other approaches to the problems sometimes caused by drug use."

• "Just an average guy wanting to get the message of marijuana laws out there to help you avoid getting it trouble situations."

• "The first ever interactive digital cannabis pets!"

• "...part of Self-Hemployed Amsterdam, specialised in the trade of Cannabis related products."

• "Welcome to NEW and BEST POT Site - Pot Directory!..."

• "...provides accurate and informative marijuana reform news and information."

• "An Objective View on Drug Testing and the Drug Testing Industry..."

• "Develop the phytotherapy* category of healthcare through the expanded use of medical cannabis..."

• "A Resource for Legal and Medical Professionals, Qualifying Patients, and Caregivers."

• "What books, magazines, and discussion forums will help me learn more about growing?"

• "Your source for Marijuana health information, medical marijuana information, such as the fact that marijuana has been shown to kill pancreatic tumors!"

• "A discussion of Inland Empire Medical Marijuana, including Riverside, San Bernardino, Ontario & Colton."

• "Home, Hemp, Medicinal Cannabis, Prescription Drugs, Class A Substances, ACMD Report 2008..."

• "...will provide education and support to medical Cannabis patients, providers and the community at large."

• "Давным-давно, а если точнее - в 1997 году, некто очень интересовался одновременно психоактивными веществами и Интернетом (который тогда ещё писали с большой буквы)."

• "The only grow show that teaches you how to grow 2+ pounds per light!"

• "...a traveler's guide to getting high..."

• "...a free online classifieds and listings website for the medical marijuana, cannabis, and 420 community. Find medical marijuana dispensaries, cannabis news, and community updates."

• "...was created in order to have all marijuana websites in Northern California centrally located and easily accessible."

• "Liberty and justice for psychoactive substance users...."

• "...Smokey Joe, Cap'n Cannabis, Roll Master Floyd..."

• "...the largest vertically integrated hemp food manufacturer in the world."

• "Home, Hemp, Medicine, Videos, Events, Contact Us..."

• "...Changing the Face of Cannabis Since 2001..."

• "Cannabis is a substance which affects the way you think and feel. Sometimes you'll enjoy the experience and sometimes you wont...."

• "...Haarlem Coffeeshop Tour-420 Music-$$$, 420 Books-420 Events-Weedios-Vaporizer Info Dutch Coffeeshop News - High Tweets..."

• "'It's Criminal To Keep This Medicine From Patients' -Jocelyn Elders"

• "A blog that discusses the latest on Los Angeles Medical Marijuana Clinics & Doctors..."

• "...explains terms of 420 slang language, 420 images, 420 history, and underground subculture definitions."

• "A complete guide to marijuana words and terms on the Internet."

• "'No one knows, when he places a marijuana cigarette to his lips, whether he will become a joyous reveller in a musical heaven, a mad insensate, a calm philosopher, or a murderer...' HARRY J ANSLINGER"

• "...a medical marijuana website dedicated to keeping people informed on the latest news or information that is happening within this unique industry."

• "Our aim is to provide you with a place to easily access information on medical marijuana..."

• "We are your full service Medical Cannabis nursery. We specialize in Lush, Healthy, Disease and bug free, Rooted Prop 215 plants."

• "Hello my name is Flash Rosenstein and I have been meditating with marijuana for over 20 years...."

• "...a group of integrative medical clinics dedicated to providing health and wellness services including evaluations for medicinal marijuana."

• "A Medical Marijuana Resource for Doctors and Patients..."

• "Marijuana is a healthy and natural way to create harmony within the brain and therefore make the body healthier. The truth about marijuana needs to come out."

• "Here you will find a variety of news stories centering around Hemp, Cannabis legalization/Prohibition news,The Environment..."

• "Mary Jane Girls, Cannabis Culture and More!"

• "...armed with renegade political commentary, thoughts outside the box, and a discarded container from Uncle Sam's marijuana garden."

• "In between are the exploits of one of Canada's marijuana cultivation pioneers, at turns resourceful and rash, sincere and sardonic, hardworking and hammered."

• "Simplify...simplify!"

• "Controlled substances laws and their consequences have been the center of my professional life for over fifteen years..."

• "...about round..."

• "Northern Irish website dedicated to cannabis..."

• "Don't 4get your signs!"
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