Psychedelic Information

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Green Reflection: Growing Green While Saving Green
• "You are like many people. You used cannabis 30 or 40 years ago...and you just thought it would be interesting to find out what the pot culture is like today, what does it even taste like anymore? And of course there is the cult show 'Weeds' which gets us all to thinking..."
• "Smoke. Share. Smile."

Shroomology Grows Mushrooms
• "If you have any questions about mushrooms, or growing mushrooms, chances are your questions have been asked. Read through these topics, and you will gain much mushroom knowledge...."

Marijuana Doctors 411
• " provide a way for patients in need of medicinal marijuana treatment to locate and schedule an appointment with a qualified, licensed physician in their area, for the purpose of obtaining a Letter of Recommendation."

Blasts from the Past

• "We sell high quality hemp protein powder and ship fast....."

• "... to promote research on the use of sacred plants in the fields of anthropology, ethnobotany, ethnomusicology, pharmacology, neuropsychology and consciousness, as well as their cultural and artistic manifestations."

• "Magazine..."

• "Will Hemp finally allow us to grow money on trees 70 years after being declared 'The New Billion Dollar Crop'?"

• "Suppose, for a moment, that the reproductive success of our DNA had been best served by coding for ecstatically happy vehicles rather than malaise-haunted emotional slum-dwellers...."

I Never Forget a Book

I've Heard It Said...

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