id | 1441 |
Title | Gay Law Net |
Subtitle | |
ListTitle | Gay Law Net |
ListTitleSortKey | |
Code | gay-law-net |
ChildAdjective | |
ChildNoun | |
ChildNounPlural | |
ChildAction | |
GrandChildAdjective | |
GrandChildNoun | |
GrandChildNounPlural | |
GrandChildAction | |
Publish | 1 |
OriginalCreationDate | 2018-10-17 11:47:01 |
LastModificationDate | 2018-10-17 11:47:01 |
assignment | # 1
id | 1441 | Parentid | 49 | Childid | 1441 |
entrytranslation | |
description | |
quote | # 1
id | 1357 | Quote | Access the LATEST NEWS reports concerning the law as it affects the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transsexual, Intersex (GLBTI) community worldwide... | Source | | Language | en | Entryid | 1441 | OriginalCreationDate | 2018-10-17 11:47:01 | LastModificationDate | 2018-10-17 11:47:01 |
textbody | |
image | |
imagetranslation | |
tag | |
link | # 1
id | 1342 | Title | | URL | | Language | en | Entryid | 1441 | OriginalCreationDate | 2018-10-17 11:47:01 | LastModificationDate | 2018-10-17 11:47:01 |
eventdate | # 1
id | -1 | Title | Added | EventDateTime | 2018-10-17 11:47:01 | date | 2018-10-17 | time | 11:47:01 |
availabilitydaterange | # 1
id | 1441 | AvailabilityStart | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | AvailabilityEnd | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | Entryid | 1441 | OriginalCreationDate | 2018-10-17 11:47:01 | LastModificationDate | 2018-10-17 11:47:01 |
association | |
definition | |
entrypermission | # 1
id | 1441 | Entryid | 1441 | Userid | 1 | OriginalCreationDate | 2018-10-17 11:47:01 | LastModificationDate | 2018-10-17 11:47:01 | user | Array |
associated | |