Browsing Domestic Abuse Organizations |
"This site is for victims of violence, their families and friends, and the agencies and programs which serve them, both public and private...."
"To provide battered women and domestic violence victims who have experienced domestic violence with support and information regarding domestic abuse and the options available...."
"...formed in 1979 by two formerly battered women who saw a need for a domestic violence program in Carson City, Nevada."
"Many women and children, who have been subjected to domestic violence, whether it was verbal, financial, emotional, spiritual, or physical, NEED a safe and loving environment to heal and to become whole 'again.'"
" to break this cycle by intervening with both the victim and the abuser. AVDA operates two direct-service programs unique to Harris County."
"... organized in 1978 as a network of shelters for battered women and their children, and organizations and individuals concerned about the issue of domestic violence."
"... a non-profit, membership corporation composed of 18 programs statewide that provide services to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, offender services, and adult crisis intervention services."
"...provides advocacy to adult and child victims of domestic violence and sexual assault in Chaffee and Western Fremont Counties. All advocacy services are confidential, free of charge..."
"...with a range of services aimed at breaking the cycle of physical and emotional violence within families and the wider community."
"Society, although aware of the male victim, treats him as a joke. In reality he is a man in fear, a man in isolation, a man stigmatised as weak. Why?"
"...there are approximately 500,000 military personnel and their families overseas. Our priority is to reach as widely and deeply as possible into these American communities and raise awareness of the services we offer to battered American women and children..."
"...battered women do not need to get sober before seeking safety from abuse for themselves and their children. We also believe substance abuse treatment is not a replacement for domestic violence counseling."
"... provides culturally-appropriate, multilingual services, including emergency shelter, to survivors of domestic abuse with a primary focus on the South Asian and other immigrant communities."
" increase public awareness about the issue of Domestic Violence, enhance the safety of and services for Domestic Violence victims, and reduce the incidence of Domestic Violence in Arizona families."
"...a nonprofit organization that has served both rural and urban areas of Arkansas since its inception in 1981."
"To Provide the Support that Empowers South Asian Women to Become Self-Reliant and Live in an Abuse Free Future..."
"...a non-hierarchical organization which is built upon mutual respect, shared responsibility, trust and equality, and is supported by a collaborative style of leadership. DVRP strives to foster collaboration with all people and communities to end various forms of oppression."
"... to prevent violence against women. We work to strengthen and promote equal and health family relations within the Asian community."
"... primarily serves Asian families and individuals in Massachusetts and New England who suffer from or are at risk of suffering from domestic violence."
"We are a survivor based organization dedicated to ending sexual abuse/assault in Jewish communities internationally...."
"...a charitable organisation providing a refuge for women and their children who have been victims of domestic violence, which may be physical, mental or sexual."
"We will provide a working forum for interaction and information sharing among agencies and individuals concerned with the provision of batterer intervention services in Michigan...."
"...committed to an appropriate response to violence against women of faith within their denominations, congregations and wider community."
" advocacy agency committed to ending intimate partner abuse and its impact on families and our community."
"Named for Sharon Bradley and Pam Angle, who died from the violence of living on the streets in Portland, Oregon, Bradley Angle was the first domestic violence shelter on the West Coast...."
"... believes everyone has the right to safe and healthy relationships. We are the leading, national nonprofit organization addressing teen dating violence."
"Raising awareness in the LGBT community and elsewhere of the impact of homophobic, transphobic and same sex domestic violence on the lives of LGBT people..."
"...a statewide membership coalition that was formed in 2005 through the merger of the California Alliance Against Domestic Violence (CAADV) and the Statewide California Coalition for Battered Women (SCCBW)."
"Violence cuts across all economic levels, educational backgrounds, ethnic, racial, and affectional preference lines...."
"Dedicated to cultivating a society free from abuse, the Center Against Domestic Violence drives cultural change through education and intervention."