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"...a denver anarchist periodical we used to produce and distribute."

"...a carefully curated collection of thoughts on how to achieve real freedom: psychological, philosophical, economic, political, personal and generational. Topics include: the internet, free-market economics, voluntaryism, anarchism, geoanarchism..."

"...your source for Anarchy."

"...a joint project between anti-imperialist political prisoner, Jaan Laaman, and organizers with the Toronto Anarchist Black Cross. We publish writing by political prisoners, prisoners of war, and their friends and family."

"Anti-Fascist, Autonomy, Cognitive Liberty, Direct Action, Eco Struggle, Interviews, No Borders, Prison Struggle, Social Control..."

"An international conference and bookfair to celebrate the hopes and dreams of May 1968 - forty years after..."

"2nd SoCal Anarchist Conference..."

"Frivolity aside, we hope that you will engage our project with some of the spirit of solidarity in which it was conceived..."

"It's time for us to gather. To assemble and talk to each other. To bring together folks who secretly or not so secretly identify with anarchism..."

" anarchistický časopis vycházející od roku 1991 (s přestávkami v letech 1996-1998). Vystřídal periodicitu čtrnáctideníku a měsíčníku, současně vychází jako čtvrtletník."

"...a portal and online community for anarchists worldwide, this site is made in collaboration with The site aims to spread awarness and to help organize anarchists worldwide."

"This blog is about anarchism and related social struggles specially in eastern europe. The author is located in hamburg and runs beneath an archive of eastern europe material (zines and other d.i.y. media) also a small unregular distro with such stuff..."

"Direct-action media..."

"There is an enduring need to instantly abolish all states, governments and authoritarian institutions so that communities based on common values such as freedom, respect, collaboration and solidarity can be formed."

"How My Grandfather was Sentenced to Death Three Times and Lived to Tell About It..."

"...the remarkable, true story of an ordinary man who gets caught up in the history-making events of the early 1900s in Russia. Follow Marateck as he leaves home at age 13 seeking 'great adventure,' organizes a workers' strike in Warsaw..."

" provide a forum for the publication of critical and radical work about space in the social sciences - including anarchist, anti-racist, environmentalist, feminist, Marxist, non-representational, postcolonial, poststructuralist, queer, situationist and socialist perspectives."

"Un espacio en la red para el anarquismo (o, mejor dicho, 'para los anarquismos'), con especial atención para el ateísmo, el escepticismo, la crítica, el librepensamiento y la filosofía en general..."

"This is why, as individuals with our actions and solidarity, we will continue with all means possible as anarchist revolutionary insurrectionalists, to express our thoughts and desires..."

"Jean-Marc Rouillan est en taule depuis février 1987 ! Il a été arrêté avec Joëlle Aubron, Georges Cipriani et Nathalie Ménigon en tant que militants d'Action directe...."

"Here you will find resources for doing your part in the revolution of the people vs. the state..."

"At the time, Swansea lacked an outlet where hungry minds turning to the Left could go to digest dense radical anarchist theory or find books with alternative historical and contemporary perspectives...."

"Direniş: Devlete Karşı, Faşizme Karşı, Homofobi ve Ataerkiye Karşı, Hapishanelere Karşı, Hayvan Direnişleri, Anti-Militarizm..."

"Capitalism, Nation states and a culture of consumerism have conspired to make our planet more and more unstable. The fear inspired by disasters plays into the hands of those destroying people, animals and the planet for profit...."

"A ceux / celles qui pensent que l'information et la solidarité sont des armes, pillez le site et diffusez la subversion. Sait-on jamais..."

"The compassionate anarchist values his fellow humans on an equal footing, encourages emergent solutions, supports individual empowerment, and seeks to avoid dehumanization and marginalization...."

"In a market anarchist society, law and security would be provided by market actors instead of political institutions...."

"Anarchism is in the truest sense of the word, Peace. It is the abscence of coercion but not of duty..."

"Our aim is to promote debate about anarchist theory and action in order to come up with better ways of carrying on with our struggle. Controversy is welcome as long as it is done in a respectful fashion..."

"Luchas obreras, construcciones autónomas, movimientos sociales, lucha ambientalista, fábricas y empresas recuperadas, presos políticos, género, luchas campesinas..."

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