Death Penalty Organizations

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Links to inactive sites for death penalty organizations. What we once used to do to resist oppression!

This directory contains 20 links.

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Notre Dame Against State Killing (ND ASK)
• "In order to keep everyone better informed and up to date on our activities, we've created an ND ASK blog...."

Minnesotans Against The Death Penalty (MNADP)
• "During the 2003 legislative session a death penalty bill was introduced. The matter will be taken up during the 2004 session. We are opposed to this and any similar legislation that would bring the death penalty to our state. Our work includes raising public awareness and mobilizing support in our communities...."

Western Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty (WMCADP)
• "...we are deeply concerned by the steady drift of our nation and states toward approval and use of the death penalty as one of the solutions to the problem."

Wisconsin Coalition Against the Death Penalty (WCADP)
• "...people are opposing the referendum for many reasons, including religious and moral objections, and a flawed, unfair criminal justice system that disproportionately and negatively affects minorities. The story also reports that no committee had filed in support of the referendum."

Indiana Coalition Acting to Suspend Executions (InCASE)
• "Over the past two decades, a number of studies have indicated that Indiana's death penalty system discriminates unfairly, costs more than life imprisonment and does not adequately protect the innocent. These findings have given Hoosiers great pause, causing a majority of them to support a moratorium..."

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"In 1981, at the age of eighteen, Kenny Richey left his home in Scotland to live with his American Father in Ohio State. In June 1986, one week before his return to the United Kingdom, Kenny was arrested for a crime the evidence shows was not a crime at all...."
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"...exists to educate the citizens of Indiana about the death penalty and increase awareness of alternatives to capital punishment."
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"...a two-week public education tour where members of Murder Victims' Families For Reconciliation (MVFR) and activists speak out against the death penalty."
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" interfaith group dedicated to the abolition of the death penalty through the mobilization and education of the religious community of North Carolina."
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"I have known many Presidents, Governors, Judges, Legislators, and policy makers including myself and have never known a person wise enough to decide who should live and who should die...."
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