Anarchist Information

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Links to inactive sites with anarchist information. A historic glimpse into the past!

This directory contains 68 links.

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Anarchy Japan
• "...not an attempt to make authoritative statements about Japan or economics or anything else. It is an attempt to start a discussion."

Flapjacks Not States
• "Free flapjack should be the basis of society...Anarchism, Anarcho-communism, capitalism, Coercion, consensus, voting, crime, Crime and Justice, death penalty, death sentence, justice system, Kyriarchy, monetary system, money, Occupation, occupy, exeter Occupy, London, occupylondon, Occupy LSX..." Hostess Anarchy
• "In general, non-anarchist sites which are not in direct opposition to libertarian principles would be accepted. In other words: Anarchy would not be hostess to private companies nor to authoritarian persons nor organizations...."

Anarchist Fiction dot Net: A Reader's Guide To Anti-Authoritarian Literature
• "...exists as a resource for those interested in anarchist fiction, whether for scholarly pursuits or just to find books written by or about those who oppose the existence of the state."

@net - Anarki Anarchist Computer Network
• "What Is @net?, The Australian Anarchist Movement, The International Anarchist Movement, What Is Anarchism?, ABC MELBOURNE...a small network of anarchist bulletin board systems and online internet sites..."

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"...intended to unite all of us anarchists on the web."
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"...your web source for information about leftist activity and ideals..."
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"Außerdem geben wir die BIBLIOTHEK DES WIDERSTANDES heraus, in der wir uns mit den Kämpfen der Arbeiterklasse gegen Ausbeutung, Bevormundung und Unterdrückung in Ost und West, in Gegenwart und Vergangenheit beschäftigen...."
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"Anarchism is an anti-capitalist, anti-state movement struggling to maximize true freedom for all people...."
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