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Links to inactive sites with socialist information. A historic glimpse into the past!

This directory contains 23 links.

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wage slave journal (WSJ)
• "Is it just me, or are Bush's ads looking more and more like ads for a city council race?"

ginger project, the
• "Developing a grassroots democratic socialist platform for Ontario...."

Tendance Coatesy
• "This is a Critical Marxist Blog. News and comments from a Militant Secularist Ipswich Allotment Holder. Activism, theory, and the left, with a particular focus on French politics and European culture...."

Socialist WebZine
• "Subscribe to The Socialist..."

Richard Pond
• "Famous Socialists, Why England is not Britain, Definitions of Socialism, Should Brits get out of Ireland?, Distinguishing Features of Socialism, Against the Death Penalty, Introduction to Socialism..."

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"A Ezine For Poor And Working Class People. We Have Nothing To Lose But Our Chains. It Is Time That The Poor And Working Class People Have A Voice On The Internet...."
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Socialist Solidarity


"These articles and essays are offered as they were written, flaws and all, in the hope that they will be of interest to others trying to understand the development of capitalism in Australia. This website is incomplete..."
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"In short 'council communism' was/is the critical and theoretical reflection of the revolutionary mass struggles of the working class in western Europe - especially those in Germany - following the I. World War...."
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"...dedicated to reclaiming the Theory & Practice of Class Struggle..."
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