Environmentalist Information

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Links to inactive sites with environmentalist information. A historic glimpse into the past!

This directory contains 11 links.

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Little Green House, The
• "I bought my very first pair of 99% recycled shoes last week. They are Worn Again trainers, made of prison blankets, ex-military parachutes, car seat scrap leather, ex-military long johns, ex-military towels and recycled rubber. Very comfortable, for me and the environment."

Earth-First.org (French)
• "Les écoguerriers se sont constitués en société fermée, et ne délivreront plus aucune information sur le web, ce média est devenu trop surveillé. La cryptologie rend les armes. Aujourd'hui tous les fabricants seront obligés de fournir une clé de décryptage. Plus que jamais nous vous conseillons de travailler seul..."

Free Tre Arrow
• "Environmentalist and political prisoner, Tre Arrow has been incarcerated in Canada and the US since March 13th 2004. Like the 125,000 American draft dodgers who came to Canada between 1964 and 1977, Tre went to Canada hoping to escape persecution in the United States..."

Northern Rockies Earth First!
• "Thanks for dropping by Northern Rockies Earth First!! Take a look..."

• "News, Resources, and Commentary on the International Eco-Defense Movement..."

Random Sites


"...sustainability at my heart."
• http://www.onelastvoice.com/

"What is Climate Justice? This is a question that is just beginning to be hashed out and fought over by 'radicals' and 'moderates.'..."
• http://www.climate-connections.org/
• Other Options : Archive.org

"...the final irony of our country's production of weapons of mass destruction: the most contaminated site in the Western Hemisphere."
• http://www.hanfordjourney.com/
• Other Options : Archive.org

"New tools and strategies for engaging people in protecting the environment..."
• http://www.onenw.org/
• Other Options : Archive.org

"But, as the story goes with all of those who have been persecuted during the green scare, Rod has not been given a date for release, and has been told that he is 'a special case.' Special as in he is deserving of extra attention because he gave a speech?"
• http://www.supportrod.org/
• Other Options : Archive.org

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