Environmentalist Organizations

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Links to inactive sites for environmentalist organizations. What we once used to do to resist oppression!

This directory contains 17 links.

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Deep Green Resistance Austin: Building A Culture Of Resistance To Defend The Natural World
• "The individuals who have been working together as Deep Green Resistance Austin have left Deep Green Resistance, due to differences with the national organization. We will continue working under the ideals that brought us together."

• "...an initiative of OneWorld UK. We are a not-for-profit organisation and our mission is 'to leverage media innovatively for a fair and sustainable world'. Clearly, we cannot have a fair and sustainable world without tackling climate change."

Arizona Earth First! (AZEF!): No Compromise in Defense of Mother Earth (USA)
• "Human rights, indigenous sovereignty, environmental and anti-globalization activists are calling for protests and boycotts of three major US retail chains-CompUSA, Sears and Kmart-due to their involvement with plans for a hydroelectric dam that would displace tens of thousands of indigenous subsistence farmers..."

Plane Mad (Ireland)
• "....an Irish group taking action against aviation's climate impact. The group came together in 2007, when people from all over Ireland met at an environmental workshop organised by Gluaiseacht. We are drawn from counties Clare, Cork, Donegal, Dublin, Kilkenny, Limerick, Monaghan and Tipperary."

North Coast Earth First!
• "Earth First! is a philosophy, based in bio-centrism, and characterized by non-violent civil disobedience and direct action. It is a people's movement, for the Earth, and any group of people who get together and decide to do something about the destruction of nature, under the banner of 'Earth First!', is an Earth First! group...."

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"National Grid promised most faithfully to clear up after themselves. What is happening in our lanes is that the road is caving in above the line of the pipe and being covered in soil subsiding from the track of the pipeline above...."
• http://www.fightthepipe.co.uk/
• Other Options : Archive.org

"...a collective effort working to illustrate the retardation of gas and its effect on modern culture all while having a hell of a good time doing it."
• http://www.fuckgas.org/
• Other Options : Archive.org

"...a massive, multi-year effort to clean up the Puget Sound, brought to you by The Nature Conservancy, The Trust for Public Land, and People For Puget Sound."
• http://www.mudup.org/
• Other Options : Archive.org

"...addresses environmental issues facing communities of color in the United States. The EcoJustice Network provides on-line services, informational resources and training for activists and organizations involved in the environmental justice movement."
• http://igc.apc.org/envjustice/
• Other Options : Archive.org

"...a leader in the state in educating the public on the top environmental issues and then bringing conservation minded voters to the polls."
• http://www.weave.org/
• Other Options : Archive.org

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