RevoltLink Economic Struggle Socialist Information
This archive contains 291 texts, with 0 words or 0 characters.
Red Rag
• "With that one little word, The Australian admits what everyone knows: that it regards itself as part of the Howard Government. Or perhaps it's just a telling typo."
AKM-1917 (Russian)
• "4 дeкaбpя в Mocквe cтopoнники aктивнoгo бoйкoтa пapлaмeнтcких выбopoв пpoвeдут oбщeгpaждaнcкий cхoд пoд лoзунгoм 'Hapoд пpoтив нeзaкoнных выбopoв!'. Aкция пpoйдёт нa цeнтpaльнoй плoщaди cтpaны..."
List of Lists at, The
• "A somewhat out-of-date list of info about the expanding universe of marxism related email lists..."
Marxism-Leninism Today
• "Politics without Marxism-Leninism is like a journey with no map. Throughout the last century and a half, the thinking of Karl Marx, Frederick Engels, Vladimir Lenin and many of their followers has propelled the working classes and the oppressed..."
• "Is it a coincidence that so many of capitalism's Great Men - its leaders and captains of industry - are so utterly unworthy as human beings?"
• "Democratic socialism is a political and economic system with freedom and equality for all, so that people may develop to their fullest potential in harmony with others. The Socialist Party is committed to full freedom of speech, assembly, press, and religion, and to a multi-party system...."
• "We are people of all races and national backgrounds who are committed to the struggle for democracy and socialism...."