Socialist Organizations

RevoltLink Economic Struggle Socialist Organizations

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Debs Tendency
• "Socialism in welcoming organic solidarity becomes multi-tendency and has open and free debates of the peoples' views, far from any sort of centralization..."

Progressive Labor Party (PLP)
• "Progressive Labor Party (PLP) fights to destroy capitalism and the dictatorship of the capitalist class. We organize workers, soldiers and youth into a revolutionary movement for communism."

Кoммуниcтичecкaя пapтия Poccийcкoй Фeдepaции (KPRF) (Russia)
• "...вeлa бecкoмпpoмиccную бopьбу пpoтив pecтaвpaции кaпитaлизмa, paзpушeния Coюзa CCP и уничтoжeния Coвeтcкoй влacти. КПPФ выcтупaeт eдинcтвeннoй пoлитичecкoй opгaнизaциeй, пocлeдoвaтeльнo oтcтaивaющeй пpaвa людeй нaёмнoгo тpудa и нaциoнaльнo-гocудapcтвeнныe интepecы. тpaтeгичecкaя цeль пapтии - пocтpoeниe в Poccии..."

Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) (CPC(M-L))
• "The program of CPC(M-L): Stop Paying the Rich; Increase Funding for Social Programs!, was first issued at the time of the 1997 federal election. It is a pro-social program to realize the Historic Initiative which the Party launched on January 1, 1995..."

Arbejderpartiet Kommunisterne (APK) (Denmark)
• "Vi har stiftet Arbejderpartiet Kommunisterne. Vi er fast besluttede på at bygge til op til at blive det kommunistiske parti for det 21. århundrede. Arbejderklassens kommunistiske parti. Det socialistiske Danmarks kommunistiske parti."

Blasts from the Past

• "We stand for putting people before profit - for the millions not the millionaires."

• "Hội Liên hiệp Thanh niên Việt Nam (sau đây gọi tắt là Hội LHTN Việt Nam) là tổ chức xã hội rộng rãi của thanh niên và các tổ chức thanh niên Việt Nam yêu nước theo tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh và lý tưởng của Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam."

• "The early years of the YCL were certainly full of idealism and romantic ideas. The 'Revolution' was always 'round the corner'. 'It will take another five years to get a Socialist Britain'. This approach coupled with a distrustful attitude to the adult organisations led to some serious sectarian attitudes..."

• "...est une association de solidarité internationale. Traitant d'un large éventail de questions, notre site présente une information militante sur de nombreuses luttes et campagnes..."

• "...committed to building social movements and the wider left..."

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